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Closing out 2009

December 31, 2009 Events/Meetings 5 Comments

A year ago I said good riddance to 2008 – a horrible year for me personally. I ended the post with this:

Going into 2009 I’m optimistic about my own future and that of our city, state, country and world.  I’m in a better mindset than I was a year ago.

2009 was a rough year for many, worse than I would have projected a year ago.  Still, I remain optimistic about the future and look forward to 2010.

Throughout 2009 I continued to my recovery from my February 2008 stroke.  In June I completed the coursework for my Master of Arts in Urban Planning and Real Estate Development (UPRED) degree at Saint Louis University.  I participated in the December graduation ceremony but I’m still wrapping up my capstone (thesis) on pedestrian malls. It will be complete within a month.  In October I decided to leave the Real Estate profession as I won’t have time for that as I build a client base for my urban planning services.   Big change.

I’m encouraged by the reluctance of the public to go crazy with poor fuel economy vehicles despite low gas prices.  The gas price spikes of 2008 appear to have changed the attitudes of many.  More automakers are planning fuel efficient internal combustion vehicles and mainstream plug-in hybrids will arrive on the market late in 2010. “Green” is being embraced by more and more people.

I see more considering urban living (vs. suburban).  The decline of inner cities didn’t happen overnight.  Making urban living the norm for most Americans will take just as long, perhaps longer.  Generations younger than mine (I’m 42) will lead the masses back to the older core of regions. But generations older than me are also realizing once their kids are gone they are free to leave suburbia behind and enjoy the urban lifestyle they gave up decades earlier.   Those with kids in school may continue living in the suburbs but their expectations are different than their parents.  They want connectivity rather than isolation.  They want walkability rather than strictly driveability.  They may not know the words but they reject the strict separation of uses that has been the foundation of suburbia.

Diverse & walkable neighborhoods may not become the norm in my lifetime but I sense that with each passing year we will move in that direction.

Have a safe & happy New Years Eve!

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "5 comments" on this Article:

  1. JZ71 says:

    Agreed, 2010's gotta be better than 2009. Good luck, too, on building your client base and heading down your new career path.

  2. MD says:

    Steve, thanks for your blog and another challenging, enlightening, entertaining and inspiring year of posts.

  3. Fenian says:


    Congratulations on the degree. I am starting my last semester of graduate school, so I realize how much time and effort goes into it.

    I hope that you have a wonderful new year and I will continuing checking the blog daily.

  4. Matt says:

    Congrats on your career move. With you beginning to build your new client base will you still dedicate yourself to this blog?

    • I'm now in my sixth year of publishing this blog,it is part of me and an excellent calling card. You can expect to see new posts every day for many years to come. I have big plans for the blog for 2010 and over the next five years.


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