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Winter light show at Citygarden

December 4, 2009 Downtown 2 Comments

When Citygarden opened this past Summer it was an instant hit.  Kids especially loved the various places to get wet.

The splash fountain was packed with kids. Adults lined the edges watching as the kids had fun.

Even adults got into the fountain and got wet, I couldn’t resist.

July 12, 2009

But when Fall arrived the fountains were turned off but they remain interesting. How can a turned-off fountain be interesting?

During the day you see a random arrangement of these white balls placed over some of the fountain heads.  Interesting.  But come back at night and it gets very interesting.

The lights that add interest to the fountain during the Summer illuminate the balls.  But the color is not static. The two videos that follow are very brief but they give you an idea of how they change:



The video doesn’t do it justice, it must be experienced in person. These two blocks continue to be interesting even during a time of the year an outdoor garden is not always so interesting.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "2 comments" on this Article:

  1. Adam says:

    are they made out of plastic? something durable?

  2. Thanks for this post. I never made it down to City Garden in the summer, and figured I might as well wait until spring to make a trip. Now you've given me a reason to make a visit at night.


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