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Three out of four doesn’t cut it

March 27, 2010 Accessibility, Downtown 11 Comments

At the intersection of 11th & St. Charles the existing curb ramps were recently redone on three of the four corners.  The forth corner lacked a curb ramp.

But the three that already had ramps now have new ramps and the forth corner still lacks a ramp.  My logic would tell me to get the all directions where someone in a wheelchair (or pushing a stroller) could easily pass before replacing existing ramps.  Who makes these decisions?

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "11 comments" on this Article:

  1. Tim says:

    Who makes these decisions?
    The same people you keep saying we should give more money (taxes) to make decisions about public transit!

  2. Anon says:

    Is the fourth corner in a different ward?

  3. Dan says:

    I can't help but notice that in all of the photos on this blog, there is not a single human being in sight. What kind of “city” is this?

  4. R. Pointer says:

    It looks like to me that they have marked this corner for further work for UE and so replacing the corner just to rip it up in the near future would be a complete waste of resources. Is that not the case?

  5. samizdat says:

    Hmm, from what I can tell, reading this upside-down, the orange survey paint reads, “UE VAULT NO RAMP”. Now why can't UE do it's thing, and provide a crew with the knowledge to install this ramp without damaging the vault? UE facilities, an answer please. C'mon it's a frickin' ramp over a vault, how difficult could it be? It's not like we're damming the Columbia River, for cripes sakes. Just do the bloody job, already. I mean, really, does someone have to hold your widdle hands? You boys and girls at UE and the City need to learn to play nice, or you go to time out.

    • Good eye, I hadn't even noticed. I was trying to get home and just snapped the pics quickly. Agreed, UE needs to get this resolved or someone needs signs to remind me (and others) that this side of 1th is not accessible.


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