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Bridges between buildings can be interesting

April 23, 2010 Downtown 7 Comments

ABOVE: St. Charles St between 10th and 11th streets
ABOVE: St. Charles St between 10th and 11th streets

A second one of these bridges between buildings was razed, the balconies on the right building (Merchandise Mart) mark the location.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "7 comments" on this Article:

  1. David says:

    They may be interesting but they are contrary to the the development of a pedestrian environment.

    • This example would allow workers to go back and forth between the two buildings as part of their job, different than a parking garage to building or even connecting two buildings where the work doesn't flow from one to the other.

      • wine clubs says:

        We have a similar set up in downtown San Diego between court houses that we built 20-30 years apart. It's nice in that situation because someone doesn't have to clear security 2 times unnecessarily. It also saves a city from having to build another complete building.

        It's not my favorite invention in urban planning, but it can add interest to a street as well as being quite functional.

  2. JZ71 says:

    And they can block views, as in St. Louis Centre and Washington or the many conections at BJC/Wash U Med Center. Here, as at those, I think the city would be better off if it/they were gone. These days, work rarely flows from one building to another. Employees may be going to meetings, the cafeteria or another department, but it's not a constant, daylong, production thing, it's just about keeping peoople out of the weather. Bottom line, this did serve a purpose “back in the day”. Does it serve the same purposes now? Does its historicism and/or cost of removal trump blocking views and sunlight?

  3. Chris says:

    Some reminders of the industrial character of Washington Avenue are appropriate. This bridge only blocks the view (slightly) of St. Charles St., a secondary or even tertiary artery in downtown. I've heard from one of my readers that there are apartments in the bridge now. Those must be some really cool apartments.

  4. I Have The Answer says:

    Wouldn't it be cool to build a couple of condos in the bridge?

  5. Anon says:

    I'm a freelance reporter and I'm looking for any info on hot and spicy news stories surrounding business in downtown. Does anyone reading this blog know anything about the following:
    1. Old Navy opening a store near Locust & 10th
    2. A major preschool/kindergarten opening at 11th & Olive
    3. BJC making an offer to purchase Downtown Urgent Care
    4. A work/live theme at the LaSalle building, where each floor is 3,000 sf.
    5. Club Fitness opening near 8th & Olive or 8th & Locust

    If you know about any of these, please post your contact info on this blog, and I'll email you directly. I have a substantial budget for reliable information. Thanks.


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