Dog run opened in Lucas Park
Last Saturday the dog run in Downtown’s Lucas Park finally opened for business.

After the ribbon was cut we all went inside the gates. The pavement inside allowed my chair to easily wheel inside. While I was there a cute little dog jumped up to greet me.

The following is video from the event including a bit at the end with 25th Ward Alderman Shane Cohn:
More information can be found at
I don’t have a dog nor do I plan to get one, however, I’ve seen enough dog runs to know that when done properly they are a huge asset that can build real community. We should have as a goal to have an off-leash dog park within a 10-15 minute walk of every residence in the City of St. Louis within 5 years.
– Steve Patterson
Key word: properly.
Great idea about building more dog runs. I totally agree with this.
Love the pic of you and the dog … you have similar facial expressions 🙂 Love and joy to you Steve!
We need a homeless run installed in Twain!
Here, here!!! Where there are dogs, there are people.
Just a litle clarification. The 50 membership number is temporary. we needed to find out how many dogs we averaged during peak periods with a membership of 50. We would prefer to provide this service for free, but there are expenses incurred with management of a dog park. Insurance, doggie waste bags, interactive toys, etc.. We will use facebook “lucas park dog park” for communication. membership issues:
we aren't trying to cure cancer we are trying to build a community.
Well Steve,
I always knew you were a dog person underneath it all.