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Light posting schedule now through mid-June

April 19, 2010 Site Info 4 Comments

Due to my employment with the U.S. Census Bureau I will most likely not be able to maintain the post-per-day schedule that I have had for quite a while now. At this point the only thing I can commit to is a new poll on Sundays and the results of the prior poll on Wednesdays.  As I have posts from contributors I will post those. If I have other posts they may be less involved than usual.

ABOVE: A Census Enumerator follows up on a housing unit where a census form was not returned. Photo Credit: U.S. Census Bureau, Public Information Office
ABOVE: A Census Enumerator follows up on a housing unit where a census form was not returned. Photo Credit: U.S. Census Bureau, Public Information Office

My role will be to train and supervise a crew of Enumerators.   At the conclusion of this temporary job I will resume full daily postings.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. Sheila in Brentwood says:

    That's Okay, Steve. I'll wait for you!

  2. JZ71 says:

    Sounds like an intersting gig – hope it works out well for you!

  3. Dan Burghoff says:

    I was a Crew Leader for the address updating last spring. If this phase is anything like the last phase, I think you are going to find you will have sufficient free time to post. The first few weeks will be hectic, but once everybody is trained and settled in, you will mostly be working from home, fielding calls from your enumerators and approving time sheets. They expect you to be “on call,” such that you can facilitate your enumerators needs, but trust me, there will be downtime.

  4. Cheryl says:

    I filled out my census form the same day I got it. Still, I got a follow up card asking me to fill it out and telling me that if I did not, someone would be visiting my house. Makes you wonder if the census bureau is losing any of the ones that were sent in.


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