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Chess tables, chairs and umbrellas added to the Old Post Office Plaza

May 22, 2010 Downtown 10 Comments

The Old Post Office Plaza opened in April 2009. All last year it was a bit, um, harsh.  Lots of concrete and no relief from the sun.

For 2010 the plaza now sports tables, chairs and large white umbrellas.

I’ve yet to see anyone playing chess at the new tables but in time that should change.
New Planters attached to the railing of the ramp going to the overlook is also a needed touch.  One thing is still missing: bike racks.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "10 comments" on this Article:

  1. JZ71 says:

    They're chess tables on the 16th Street Mall in Denver, and they've attracted an interesting, mixed group of players. Hopefully the same thing happens here.

  2. Douglas Duckworth says:

    Good. This is a big improvement. They should bring those mist fans which they have at the zoo. It gets way too hot in the summer on the white concrete.

  3. tpekren says:

    The devil is in the details. Glad something is thinking of the small things.

    On another note and interested in some thoughts. How do you differentiate Post Office Plaza from Gateway Mall? My concern is that you start taking away from one space, especially a smaller one, when you try to develop a larger space that might garner more attention and funds. In my mind this is going to be a real challenge in the near future as downtown could use several thousand more residents and certainly could hold a significant larger work force before their is an equilibrium in density versus green space/plazas that now populate downtown.

    • Good questions. We have an excess of open space (green & paved plazas) downtown so giving each a purpose will be a challenge. Some will need to go away, such as the space across 10th from the federal courthouse. Some private building plazas could benefit from small retail kiosks to hold the corner as well as movable tables and chairs. The details are critical to activating our many dead spaces.

      • john w. says:

        unactivated public spaces, at any scale, are failures unless solemnity and lack of motion are the intended mood and physical state. From NYC's excellent Paley Park (near MoMA) at the pocket scale, to the Piazzas of Italy or Red Square in Moscow this is true.

      • tpekren says:

        I think it would be beneficial to look at those areas we want to see buildings on them and prioritize them as such. Obviously we want to maintain and upkeep space like the spot along 10th street across from Federal Courthouse in the meantime. However, drive by the space often and have the same thoughts. Specifically, any lots or opportunities to build something near City Garden will be a big plus.

        • Michael Brickey says:

          What makes the space across form the courthouse worth preserving? It seems like it's a space that's out of place.

          • tpekren says:

            Michael, what I meant is that I would much much rather see a building in this space However, until one is built it is of some benefit maintain the trees, cut the grass and make sure the benches don't get trashed.

  4. Jimmy says:

    Steve, I completely agree with you about bike racks. It seems like such a simple, affordable, and attractive addition that so many spaces in the city could use, but few actually have. Some street food vendors in this area would really round things out.
    @tpekren: You're on to something here. Too many spaces are being seen as potential open space plazas and parks and it's spreading resources thin and taking away from potential retail/residential spaces to bring people to the public spaces that already exist.

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