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New Tree! Please, no pets!

May 7, 2010 Downtown, Environment 5 Comments

A new street tree was recently planted near the entrance to my building.

ABOVE: base of newly planted tree outside my building
ABOVE: base of newly planted tree outside my building

This replaced the new tree planted in 2008 that died in 2009.  Hopefully this tree will survive although with the level of the dirt well above the sidewalk level I’m not optimistic.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "5 comments" on this Article:

  1. mj314 says:

    I'm surprised that they didn't put a slow release watering system around that tree (http://www.treegator.com/home/index.html). With summer coming and the heat bouncing off the pavement, that tree is going to burn up!

  2. Chris says:

    The tree should be fine if it was planted deep enough. The tree crews tend to leave a lot of dirt around the tree from the hole they dug. I had the city put in a street tree, and it is flourishing despite having a similar mound of dirt around (actually larger).

  3. markgroth says:

    Is that a black locust? I can't make it out from the photo. If so, that's my favorite urban tree.

  4. dan says:

    Viva la trees !
    I wish you all the best in your endeavors


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