A birthday extravaganza for St. Louis’ youngest alderperson
Kacie Starr Triplett was elected alderman in the 6th ward in the Spring of 2007, at the time she was the youngest member on the Board of Aldermen. In 2009 Antonio French & Shane Cohn, also young, were elected in the 21st & 25th wards, respectively. Both, however, are slightly older than Triplett so she retains the youngest title.
A week from today Kacie Starr Triplett is having a combination birthday party and re-election campaign kick-off.
![evening with a starr invite [click image to purchase tickets]](http://kaciestarrtriplett.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Evening-With-A-Starr-Invite-300x219.jpg)
I was asked to serve on the host committee and I accepted. In the past I’ve called for term limits and other measures to ensure turnover at the Board of Aldermen, has something changed? No, but I’ve been pleased with Ald Triplett so a second term in office is reasonable in my mind. The event is June 19, 2010 from 7pm-11pm in the Grand Hall of Union Station. Tickets start at $50 per person. For more information or to order tickets click here or the image above. With Ald Triplett’s birthday we no longer have any aldermen in their 20s.
In the Spring of 2011 we will have elections for the fourteen aldermen in even numbered wards. In order to have a choice on election day I’d like to see each ward have contested races. And since we still hold a partisan primary before the general I’d like to see each political party (Republicans, Greens & Democrats) have more than one candidate for each office. If not, we need to work to eliminate the partisan primaries as they are a massive waste of money.
– Steve Patterson
I'm racking my brain trying to think of a single great thing she's done.
I agree – don't even try to do any development in her ward unless you hire her “consultant” for $10,000. She is just the same tired old alderman dressed up in a shiny new package.
yeah, she's “great” and all… when she's not hitting up local businesses for “money” or asking for “free stuff” from businesses because she's the alderwoman.
She's vapid, clueless, and useless, the pure embodiment of an alderidiot.
She's the new J-Flo!
She met with Harry Belli about the smoking ban and the likely ill effect it would have on restaurants in her ward. But nothing ever came of the meeting.
Yes, she was helpful in passing St. Louis' smoke-free law!