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Washington Ave is now flooded with light

July 9, 2010 Downtown, Planning & Design 4 Comments

The former St. Louis Centre pedestrian bridge over Washington (between 6th & 7th) is totally gone now.  Also gone is the bay of St. Louis Centre that projected over the sidewalk along the South side of the street.

ABOVE: View looking West from 6th & Washington
ABOVE: View looking West from 6th & Washington

The difference is dramatic.

ABOVE: St. Louis Centre pedestrian bridge (1985-2010).
ABOVE: St. Louis Centre pedestrian bridge (1985-2010).

Traffic and one sidewalk is now open.  Monday I will post about my thoughts about bringing more life to Washington Ave between the Eads Bridge and 10th St.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. mj314 says:

    Maybe I'm out of the loop… but what is scheduled to replace St. Louis Centre, anything? Do they have a plan for that area once everything is all demolished?

    • They are taking it back to the steel structure. The ground floor will be storefront retail space with the upper levels as parking. I think a theater as well.

  2. G-Man says:

    This is great to see.

  3. They should leave that last column (south side far west end) standing as a memorial to future generations never to do this again. (see Cheonggyecheon River in Seoul)

    I really appreciate skybridges, but the width of the bridge and its height from the sidewalk are crucial factors that were clearly not considered with St. Louis Centre.


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