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Poll: Thoughts On Sunken Public Spaces?

October 17, 2010 Downtown, Planning & Design, Plazas 4 Comments

The poll this week seeks to find out how you feel about sunken public spaces.


I have some views but I’m going to save those for after the poll in finished.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. J Hatch1 says:

    I don't have anything against sunken public spaces per se, its just that this particular space isn't very attractive. It always seemed to be two spaces; neither of which worked well together. Then there's the falls; broken discolored cast-concrete pools that really look awful, the tin-roof columns, and my favorite — the unfinished greek — something — with the red beamed roof that looks like a tornado hit it. I think overall the worst thing about that space is that none of the design elements, including the materials, work together. Its really a clunky, unattractive place that doesn't “feel right.”

  2. Alfred Fickensher says:

    Steve, don't you have any photos of this “amphitheater” taken at ground level and looking across the space, giving us the view which might be seen as someone approaches this sunken space?

  3. JZ71 says:

    It all gets back to context and programming. Depressed, raised or flat is not inherently good or bad, it's all in how it's used. Public spaces only become dangerous when criminals are free to operate with few consequences. Citygarden offers places for people to lurk, but a combination of high use and good sight lines makes it feel safe. The amphitheater in this example works well when there are events happening; it's that 95%+ rest of the time that's the “problem”. It'd be the same issue if Busch Stadium were open to the public 24/7.


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