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Readers Not Positive About Proposed Solutions For Connecting The City To The Arch

October 20, 2010 Downtown, Parks, Planning & Design, Sunday Poll 1 Comment


Last week readers voted on their thoughts on the winning proposal in the City+Arch+River competition. While the top individual answer shows support (with changes) the overall sentiment is negative:

Q: Now that you’ve had a chance to review the MVVA proposal (for City+Arch+River), what do you think?

  1. With a few changes it will work 41 [29.5%]
  2. Few elements aren’t bad but otherwise not impressed 39 [28.06%]
  3. Very disappointed, my least favorite 24 [17.27%]
  4. Doesn’t matter, very little will get built. 18 [12.95%]
  5. Very excited, best of the five finalists 7 [5.04%]
  6. Other answer… 4 [2.88%]
  7. Don’t like or dislike it 3 [2.16%]
  8. Unsure/no opinion 3 [2.16%]

The other responses were:

  1. the arch is decaying, fix that first!
  2. Will this really make the riverfront more vibrant and connected to the city?
  3. Disappointed, this is the doable design, not the inspired vision design.
  4. The only do-able option

Hopefully in five years we will be impressed by the final outcome.  Here is the MVVA video:


– Steve Patterson


Currently there is "1 comment" on this Article:

  1. UrbanReason says:

    This design could best be described as “fixing the most obvious flaws in public space”. Nothing more, possibly less.


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