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Poll: What Will St. Louis’ Population Be In The 2010 Census?

January 9, 2011 Sunday Poll 6 Comments

The 1940 Census showed a loss of population in the City of St. Louis for the first time in it’s history, a drop from the 1930 Census.  The 1947 Comprehensive Plan ignored this loss and predicted continued growth, albeit slower than in prior decades:

The City of St. Louis can anticipate a population of 900,000 persons by 1970, based on these assumptions:

  1. That the population of the St. Louis Metropolitan District continues to maintain its present proportion to total urban population of the United States.
  2. That an attractive environment for living will be developed throughout the city to counteract current decentralization trends.
  3. That the city is, nevertheless, a maturing urban center that can never expect to attain the tremendous past growth of certain earlier periods.

Planner Harland Bartholomew clearly made the wrong assumptions but, as many know, the 1950 Census was showed a population increase — the peak.  Each subsequent Census since has shown a drop in population.  The biggest drop was in 1980 when the population dropped more than 27% from 1970.

Each year between the decennial Census an estimate of population is produced. In recent years St. Louis successfully challenged the estimated figures. The 2009 estimate showed a population of 356,587, a slight but important increase over the 2000 Census figure of 348,189.  The poll is located in the upper right of the blog, it will be there until the morning of Sunday January 16, 2011.  But here is the question and provided answers:

Q: The 2000 Census had St. Louis’ population at 348,189, the 2009 estimate at 356,587. Where will the 2010 count be?

  • Less than 348,198
  • Between 348,189 and 356,587
  • More than 356,587
  • who knows, will just have to wait for the results

As always, you can provide your own answer if you don’t like the ones provided. Results will be published on Wednesday 19, 2011.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "6 comments" on this Article:

  1. Guest says:

    “That an attractive environment for living will be developed throughout the city to counteract current decentralization trends.”

    This is by far the most important failure of the City of St. Louis: quality of life. There is very little serious crime on my block, but there is constant screaming, yelling, horn honking, engines revving. drug abuse. etc. that destroy the quality of life on my block. Living on my block sucks. Many will say, “tough luck, it's the city, deal with it or leave.” As we saw over the last fifty years, that response resulted in half a million people leaving the city. It's easy to blame racism (without a doubt a major reason many left the city) but we ignore the fact that a lot of the people in the city are losers that no normal person wants to live around. My friends who live in the “boring” suburbs don't have to deal with any of the crap I have to put up with on a daily basis.

  2. Douglas Duckworth says:

    Please move the fuck out then


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