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20th Ward Endorsement: Shannon J. McGinn

February 3, 2011 Board of Aldermen, Politics/Policy 12 Comments

This year I’m only making one primary endorsement: Shannon J. McGinn.  I’ve known Shannon, who is running in the 20th ward democratic primary against 4-term incumbent Craig Schmid and candidate Rod Yeager, for many years. I first met Shannon at the popular coffeehouse she started, Hartford Coffee.

Shannon J. McGinn
Shannon J. McGinn

I’ve known incumbent Craig Schmid nearly twice as long.  Schmid is a nice guy with the best of intentions.  Much has changed in the city since 1995, but Schmid hasn’t.  Schmid remains locked in nuisance problem removal mode rather than transitioning to attract residents & business mode.

From a recent article in the RFT:

“Her implication is that the current alderman, Craig Schmid, who’s held his post for 16 years, isn’t tapping into the needs of all his constituents in the 20th ward, one of most ethnically diverse, with a thriving Mexican community. It’s anchored by Cherokee and Chippewa streets, and bounded by Dutchtown, Marine Villa, Gravois Park and Benton Park West.” (RFT:  Shannon McGinn: Fresh-Faced Alderman Candidate, Discusses Her Campaign With RFT)

Shannon would bring a variety of real-world experience to the Board of Aldermen, including community involvement and as a former small business owner.If you are a registered voter in the city’s 20th ward please vote for Shannon J. McGinn on Tuesday March 8th.  Not a resident of the 20th ward? Consider volunteering and/or donating.

Find Shannon  online, on Facebook and  Twitter  @ShannonJMcGinn.

– Steve Patters0n


Currently there are "12 comments" on this Article:

  1. Shannon says:

    Thanks, Steve. You are a true community organizer, a faithful city booster and a citizen unafraid to criticize our government and officials when appropriate. To have earned your lone, primary endorsement and support is an honor, indeed.
    Campaigning in the 20th ward has been rewarding in and of itself. I’ve met many new people, heard hopes and frustrations and been invited into their proudly kept homes. The support of the people in the 20th ward, along with key endorsements such as Urban Review, will enable us all to build a better city through the democratic process of voting. These are very exciting times for all of us.
    Again, my sincere thanks.

    • Josh says:

      You need to do something about that hair. Just saying.

      • gmichaud says:

        Actually I kind of like the hair. Certainly hair is at the top of every bodies list when considering candidates for public office. In fact I vote for Americans to vote on candidates exclusively for their hair styles. Look at the benefits, no needless campaigns. No useless ideas. Don't worry about policy when you have hair to consider.
        Just think of the TV ads, what a relief, it will be all about hair. In fact I can see it now, the musical Hair will make a comeback.
        Finally art is in the mainstream. What a political change, no more worry about guys on camels riding through crowds of people.
        (I hear the CIA is investigating owners of camels at this time)
        Yes it is great to finally get down to the real issues.

      • Al Fickensher says:

        Hmm, usetabe some things that ladies and gentlemen just wouldn't say.

      • samizdat says:

        WTF? She has curly hair. Big deal. Now, what is your opinion regarding her values and ideas? I really hope this is some inside joke, and you actually aren't as shallow and classless as I suspect. As for Ms. McGinn, I've been buying coffee from her store for over seven years, and love to take advantage of their buy ten/get one free card for #'s of coffee. Good for the neighborhood and good for the City. Unfortunately, I live in Dutchtown/25th, so I will have no say in this.

  2. JZ71 says:

    “Former small business owner”? So she's no longer involved with the coffee house? I don't know any of the candidates, so I have no opinion on which would be best for the 20th ward, but I'm not sure how well experience as a small business owner transfers to running a city of 350,000 with a $450 million operating budget. It's one thing to meet a payroll for 20 employees, it's a whole 'nuther thing to negotiate with public employee unions that appear unwilling to face current economic realities or to have to weigh closing firehouses versus reducing trash service. But, then again “my” alderman is another small business owner and he seems to be doing a good job.

    • William Halley says:

      Maybe you should get to know the candidates, then. Do you know what alderman do? You should know one thing, alderman arent supposed to get in the way of people improving their own ward – yet, amazingly, that's what has been happening in the 20th and it's time for a change.

      • JZ71 says:

        Why? I can't vote for any of them. And like I said before, “I don't know any of the candidates, so I have no opinion on which would be best for the 20th ward,” nor should I. And, yes, I know both what aldermen are supposed to do and what they actually do – what's your point? If “it's time for a change” in the 20th, then I'd expect the voters who show up will elect a new alderman.

        As for your observation that “alderm[e]n arent supposed to get in the way of people improving their own ward”, I have to ask about perspective. One person's “improvement” can be another person's unwanted change. One generic example is tearing down several old houses to create more off-street parking for an historic church – good to some, bad to others. Closing streets or adding stop signs are others. And like I said, I don't know the 20th ward, its politics, its issues or its candidates, and unlike Steve, I have no clue whether the incumbent, Ms. McGinn or someone else is the best candidate. I just hope that every voter makes an educated choice, and certainly not one based on hair style!

  3. William Halley says:

    Schmid has been a drag on the area, even though Cherokee has persisted anyway. I'm so happy to see a challenger.

  4. Tim says:

    What is McGinn's stance on local control of police?


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