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Broken Planter Discouraging to See

February 15, 2011 Crime, Downtown 7 Comments
ABOVE: broken planter on Washington Ave sidewalk between 15th & 16th.

Not quite sure what to say about this broken planter I spotted last week.  Mostly I’m curious about who would do this and why.  My first thought was someone out partying after they’d had too much to drink. It was definitely discouraging to see.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "7 comments" on this Article:

  1. JZ71 says:

    Or maybe they were P.O.'ed that another business was blocking the public sidewalk with random items and they couldn't figure out how to trash the sandwich board sign . . . . But what's just as discouraging is that no one has yet to clean it up . . . .

    • studs lonigan says:

      Maybe citizens who wish to see the public sidewalks cleaned to their exacting standards should be willing to assume a tax burden on their own properties to finance such an ongoing effort. We are in a tough economy and surely struggling businesses should not be expected to bear this responsibility and burden alone. If you object to such a nominal additional tax on your property, you should reasonably expect to just step around the fruits of mindless vandalism when you stroll the streets and not expect everyone else to clear your path for you.

      • JZ71 says:

        I assume your tongue is firmly lanted in your cheek. The business placed the planter on the public right of way. The business is solely responsible for maintaining it, including addressing any random vandalism!

        • studs lonigan says:

          I agree that property owners are responsible for properly maintaining their own property, including ancillary elements, like planters, for instance. They should not be able, for example, to plead poverty and transfer this responsibility to adjacent property owners, despite the adjacent property owners' arguable interest in proper maintenance of the surrounding community. It seems we agree.

          And you were right about the tongue and cheek thing. Humor and facetiousness can help clarify at times..

  2. guest says:

    It was a long time resident, who consumed a few too many.

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