Readers Overwhelmingly Agree St. Louis County Has Too Many Municipalities

Despite what the St. Louis County Municipal League thinks, readers nearly unanimously feel St. Louis County’s 91 municipalities is too many.
Q: 91 Municipalities in St. Louis County Too Many, Too Few or Just Right?
- Too many municipalities 168 [93.85%]
- Too few municipalities 4 [2.23%]
- Unsure/no opinion 3 [1.68%]
- Just the right number of municipalities 2 [1.12%]
- Other answer… 2 [1.12%]
I agree, way too many! Some, like Uplands Park & St. George, are so tiny — too tiny to matter in the big picture. Here are the other answers readers provided:
- We need more government to keep black people out of St. Louis County
- way too many municipalities
The reader who submitted the first other comment must have mistaken my blog for this site.
– Steve Patterson
I assume the first “other commenter” was being sarcastic. At least I hope so.
There have been a few small communities over the years that have consolidated into larger ones in St Louis County. There was a place called Mary Ridge that merged into St. Ann in the 1970's, and Bridgeton Terrace merged into Bridgeton in the 1980's I believe. I believe St. John picked up three small villages in the 1960's (Marvin Terrace and two others, I think). So there is some small precedent for this kind of thing.
I don't know the story behind any of those consolidations, might be interesting to find out why they agreed to merge, whether it was by choice or if they were forced to by circumstance.
So, we all agree – now what? (We can probably all agree that the sky is blue, as well.) Do we want to disolve any ciy with fewer than 30,000 residents? 50,000? 100,000? Merge them with adjacent cities? Create a single city-county entity?
ha! yeah, i think that person was making fun of the racist county-ers, many of whom actually think River Des Peres is a man-made means to keep black people and other “undesirables” contained in the city. while it's largely used for our sewage now, it is indeed natural. >:(
but nice one with the stltoday link!
You could paint a barn with one stroke with the broad brush you're using.
Agreed. That first racist comment was truly ignorant (hopefully it was just sarcasm) but this response is just as ignorant.