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PR: Volunteers Bring Hope to Homeowners on Lee Avenue

April 26, 2011 Press Release 6 Comments

The following text is from a press release:


Alderman Antonio French, Rebuilding Together-St. Louis, The Acts Partnership, and the Boeing Corporation join forces to rebuild one of the northside’s neediest blocks.

(ST. LOUIS) – Last summer, Lee Avenue experienced a string of shootings and drug-related homicides that left residents stunned and shaken. This Saturday, April 30, Alderman Antonio French (Ward 21) hopes to begin to turn that all around.

This Saturday from 7:00AM to 6:00PM, hundreds of volunteers (many from the Boeing Corporation) will rehab eight homes on the 4100-4300 blocks of Lee Avenue (between Newstead and Fair). These eight homeowners will receive complete home makeovers during year two of Alderman French’s innovative block-by-block “Rebuilding” program—a first-of-its-kind partnership between the 21st Ward and the nonprofit Rebuilding Together-St. Louis. This program works by coordinating a large number of volunteers to target homes on one block, on one Saturday, leaving a lasting impact on the whole block.

Saturday on Lee Avenue is the first of three “Rebuilding Days” that will take place in the 21st Ward this year, with the goal of repairing at least 50 homes over the summer and fall of 2011. Each targeted block will also receive needed city services, such as alley and sidewalk repair, demolition of vacant properties, tree-trimming, and street light replacement, as well as assistance in organizing block units. Saturday, volunteers will be doing everything from emergency plumbing and roof repairs to minor tasks like painting and landscaping.

“The residents of Lee Avenue have lived through violence and tragedy during the last twelve months,” Alderman French said. “We are going to do everything we can with the resources we have to rebuild these blocks and show these homeowners that they are not alone. With the help of the volunteers and donated materials that Rebuilding Together and Boeing bring to the table, we can really stretch each dollar we have as far as it can possibly go.”

“Rebuilding Together is grateful for the substantial financial commitment of Alderman French and the 21st Ward,” said Dave Ervin, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together. “We are thrilled to be helping over 50 families repair their homes in the 21st Ward this year thanks to the support of Alderman French, volunteers from Boeing Corporation, and the valuable support from the skilled trades.”

Work is already underway on Lee Avenue, as several long-vacant buildings are being demolished this week in preparation for Saturday’s event. For more info and to volunteer, please contact the 21st Ward TMAP Office at 769-9000.





Currently there are "6 comments" on this Article:

  1. Adam says:

    this is just awesome.

  2. Adam says:

    this is just awesome.

  3. Jsb06g says:

    We need about 100 more like Antonio French in leadership positions across the region.

  4. Jsb06g says:

    We need about 100 more like Antonio French in leadership positions across the region.

    • samizdat says:

      Yep. Pretty much one of the only alderjerks who isn’t a worthless piece of sh*t. However, until the sleeping masses of sheeple wake up and realize that “their alderman” is a useless parasitic worm, and the current political culture–and structure–is changed, Mr. French and his good works and ideas will stand in stark contrast and isolation to the pathetically shallow words of his fellow aldermen.

  5. samizdat says:

    Yep. Pretty much one of the only alderjerks who isn’t a worthless piece of sh*t. However, until the sleeping masses of sheeple wake up and realize that “their alderman” is a useless parasitic worm, and the current political culture–and structure–is changed, Mr. French and his good works and ideas will stand in stark contrast and isolation to the pathetically shallow words of his fellow aldermen.


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