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Wish Smokers Would Be Neater

May 26, 2011 Downtown, Smoke Free 42 Comments

We are almost at the end of five months of St. Louis’ smoke-free ordinance for most establishments.  The other morning I snapped the above pic on Washington Ave.  Really? Can’t smokers be a bit neater and properly dispose of their butts? Opponents of the smoke-free law will likely try to say this wouldn’t be a problem if they could smoke indoors but the health risks of that are worse than this unsightly mess.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "42 comments" on this Article:

  1. Al Fickensher says:

    Every street corner that has traffic lights looks like this too because of the drivers throwing their butts out the window.

  2. Al Fickensher says:

    Every street corner that has traffic lights looks like this too because of the drivers throwing their butts out the window.

  3. Anonymous says:

    As someone pointed out yesterday on the Post-Dispatch’s Talk of the Day, since smokers don’t respect their bodies, why do you expect them to respect their environment?!  They just expect the butt fairy to magically make them disappear . . .

  4. JZ71 says:

    As someone pointed out yesterday on the Post-Dispatch’s Talk of the Day, since smokers don’t respect their bodies, why do you expect them to respect their environment?!  They just expect the butt fairy to magically make them disappear . . .

    • Christian says:

      Tell us more about this butt fairy. On second thought, don’t.

      Not all smokers are guilty of this kind of littering, but I often see them dumping car ash trays at red lights. 

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s not even a St Louis or American thing. In Paris, I’m watching them casually toss them anywhere while still lit. Every tree cut-out on the sidewalk is filled with butts. From cars they toss them out because they must find them distasteful to put in the car’s ashtray.

    What is it about smoking that makes people throw out rules of decency? You wouldn’t sit next to someone and smack your gum in their ear constantly but a smoker will hold their cigarette away from themselves but nearer you.

    Smokers must believe it is socially acceptable. The only solution I know of (besides taxing it so much it becomes an occasional indulgence like cigars for most people) is to inform them by dirty looks and other acts of social protocol that it is NOT acceptable.

  6. equals42 says:

    It’s not even a St Louis or American thing. In Paris, I’m watching them casually toss them anywhere while still lit. Every tree cut-out on the sidewalk is filled with butts. From cars they toss them out because they must find them distasteful to put in the car’s ashtray.

    What is it about smoking that makes people throw out rules of decency? You wouldn’t sit next to someone and smack your gum in their ear constantly but a smoker will hold their cigarette away from themselves but nearer you.

    Smokers must believe it is socially acceptable. The only solution I know of (besides taxing it so much it becomes an occasional indulgence like cigars for most people) is to inform them by dirty looks and other acts of social protocol that it is NOT acceptable.

  7. Christian says:

    Tell us more about this butt fairy. On second thought, don’t.

    Not all smokers are guilty of this kind of littering, but I often see them dumping car ash trays at red lights. 

  8. samizdat says:

    What is so surprising about this? Human beings–we Americans seem to be the worst–throw away everything. The amount of recyclable waste in our country is almost beyond imagining, and criminal. We throw out aluminum, steel, paper, glass. We consume food by the dumptruck load, in polystyrene containers, and then throw it out the window on our streets, the Interstates, rivers, lakes, oceans. Smokers may be jokers, but the rest of us t’ain’t too responsible either.

  9. samizdat says:

    What is so surprising about this? Human beings–we Americans seem to be the worst–throw away everything. The amount of recyclable waste in our country is almost beyond imagining, and criminal. We throw out aluminum, steel, paper, glass. We consume food by the dumptruck load, in polystyrene containers, and then throw it out the window on our streets, the Interstates, rivers, lakes, oceans. Smokers may be jokers, but the rest of us t’ain’t too responsible either.

    • mj314 says:

      Here’s the difference. If I’m standing near a trash bin I throw my non-recyclable garbage into that bin not on the street (with obvious disregard, and a sense of entitlement that it’s “cool” or whatever the hell they were thinking), as pictured in the post. My only hope is that sooner than later the smoking population will diminish – because ironically it’s becoming less “cool” and more stupid looking.

      • JZ71 says:

        The two unanswered questions here are whether or not the supersize ashtray is full and why the proprieter isn’t maintaining their entryway?  Most businesses wouldn’t tolerate butts inside on their floors or tables, nor overflowing ashtrays – part of the ongoing maintenance of running any joint that allows smoking – yet once it’s out the door, this somehow becomes acceptable?  Makes you wonder what the kitchen looks like?!

      • samizdat says:

        I certainly wasn’t implying that we are all irresponsible jerks. But a lot of us are indeed. See you at one of the recycling locations in the City.

    • JZ71 says:

      Are you suggesting that cigarette filters can and should be recycled?  Eeewwwww!  Then again, why not?  Might change a few minds!

      • samizdat says:

        No. I am merely suggesting that the culture of waste extends beyond smokers and their trash. Really, humans have been throwing s*** away for, well, thousands of years. Ever heard the word midden? That. But I believe that we have gone off the rails a bit in our modern era.

        • JZ71 says:

          Combining a brain, opposable thumbs and tools has a tendency to do that.  But what do you suggest?  Go back to living off the land and living in mud huts?!  Even lower forms of life leave waste behind, indiscriminately, be it a slug, a goldfish, a bear or man’s best friend – food in, s*** out – that’s why we invented the pooper scooper.  I do agree, we humans create exponentially more waste, but we also do do seem to do a pretty good job of managing most of it (except for nuclear waste).  Still, I’m not sure if I’m willing to give up indoor plumbing, or forego having the ability to pop the top on a cold one, to drastically reduce my waste stream . . . .

  10. Anonymous says:

    Here’s the difference. If I’m standing near a trash bin I throw my non-recyclable garbage into that bin not on the street (with obvious disregard, and a sense of entitlement that it’s “cool” or whatever the hell they were thinking), as pictured in the post. My only hope is that sooner than later the smoking population will diminish – because ironically it’s becoming less “cool” and more stupid looking.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The two unanswered questions here are whether or not the supersize ashtray is full and why the proprieter isn’t maintaining their entryway?  Most businesses wouldn’t tolerate butts inside on their floors or tables, nor overflowing ashtrays – part of the ongoing maintenance of running any joint that allows smoking – yet once it’s out the door, this somehow becomes acceptable?  Makes you wonder what the kitchen looks like?!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Are you suggesting that cigarette filters can and should be recycled?  Eeewwwww!  Then again, why not?  Might change a few minds!

  13. Fozzie says:

    Irresponsible, but it would take about five seconds for the restaurant or shop to sweep them up.

  14. Fozzie says:

    Irresponsible, but it would take about five seconds for the restaurant or shop to sweep them up.

  15. Al Fickensher says:

    Aww hell, I’ll just say it:
    Smokers and gamblers are losers.

  16. Al Fickensher says:

    Aww hell, I’ll just say it:
    Smokers and gamblers are losers.

  17. The Genius says:

    Most smokers are stupid hoosiers. This is about what we should expect from them. 

  18. The Genius says:

    Most smokers are stupid hoosiers. This is about what we should expect from them. 

    • loki03xlh says:

      And most comment posters with a nickname “The Genius” are pretentious pricks, what is your point?

      • The Genius says:

        It sounds like you must be one of the aforementioned “stupid hoosiers”?  

  19. samizdat says:

    No. I am merely suggesting that the culture of waste extends beyond smokers and their trash. Really, humans have been throwing s*** away for, well, thousands of years. Ever heard the word midden? That. But I believe that we have gone off the rails a bit in our modern era.

  20. samizdat says:

    Good point.

  21. samizdat says:

    I certainly wasn’t implying that we are all irresponsible jerks. But a lot of us are indeed. See you at one of the recycling locations in the City.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Combining a brain, opposable thumbs and tools has a tendency to do that.  But what do you suggest?  Go back to living off the land and living in mud huts?!  Even lower forms of life leave waste behind, indiscriminately, be it a slug, a goldfish, a bear or man’s best friend – food in, s*** out – that’s why we invented the pooper scooper.  I do agree, we humans create exponentially more waste, but we also do do seem to do a pretty good job of managing most of it (except for nuclear waste).  Still, I’m not sure if I’m willing to give up indoor plumbing, or forego having the ability to pop the top on a cold one, to drastically reduce my waste stream . . . .

  23. loki03xlh says:

    And most comment posters with a nickname “The Genius” are pretentious pricks, what is your point?

  24. The Genius says:

    It sounds like you must be one of the aforementioned “stupid hoosiers”?  

  25. Douglas Duckworth says:

    Perhaps some homeless were going through the smokers pole in order to find some butts they could still smoke?  

  26. Douglas Duckworth says:

    Perhaps some homeless were going through the smokers pole in order to find some butts they could still smoke?  

    • equals42 says:

      An interesting idea but those poles don’t really allow sifting for butts that I’ve seen. Shuddered when I read your comment though because I’ve seen them do that. Sad and disgusting. Especially when you consider their plight. Why would they need to add an expensive tobacco addiction onto their problems.

      • Chris says:

        Poor decision making might be one component in the explanation of their homelessness.

  27. Anonymous says:

    An interesting idea but those poles don’t really allow sifting for butts that I’ve seen. Shuddered when I read your comment though because I’ve seen them do that. Sad and disgusting. Especially when you consider their plight. Why would they need to add an expensive tobacco addiction onto their problems.

  28. Chris says:

    Poor decision making might be one component in the explanation of their homelessness.

  29. Frank Grimes says:

    For sure, it always has been sad to me that so many smokers don’t properly dispose of cigarettes correctly. Sometimes I wonder if I’m in the minority of smokers who goes out of my way to dispose them, whenever I smoke and cannot find a proper trash can nearby.

    It would be nice if some group(s) wanted to attempt doing a public service campaign to teach people to field strip cigarettes(as I always do, and hold on to the extinguished cigarette, if I can’t find a cigarette receptacle or trash can nearby), since it might inspire at least a few to stop carelessly littering cigarettes. Problem is, so many have become apathetic to caring about doing things as little as this, due to the spread of indoor and outdoor smoking restrictions that don’t properly consider a balanced approach with smokers in mind(i.e. allowing any business to go adults-only and declare themselves a smoking establishment with clear signage, or colleges that adopt smoke-free policies for their whole outdoor campus, without having even a very limited number of designated outdoor smoking spots).

  30. Frank Grimes says:

    For sure, it always has been sad to me that so many smokers don’t properly dispose of cigarettes correctly. Sometimes I wonder if I’m in the minority of smokers who goes out of my way to dispose them, whenever I smoke and cannot find a proper trash can nearby.

    It would be nice if some group(s) wanted to attempt doing a public service campaign to teach people to field strip cigarettes(as I always do, and hold on to the extinguished cigarette, if I can’t find a cigarette receptacle or trash can nearby), since it might inspire at least a few to stop carelessly littering cigarettes. Problem is, so many have become apathetic to caring about doing things as little as this, due to the spread of indoor and outdoor smoking restrictions that don’t properly consider a balanced approach with smokers in mind(i.e. allowing any business to go adults-only and declare themselves a smoking establishment with clear signage, or colleges that adopt smoke-free policies for their whole outdoor campus, without having even a very limited number of designated outdoor smoking spots).


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