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A Freshly Painted Crosswalk

August 6, 2011 Downtown, Planning & Design, Walkability 8 Comments
ABOVE: Freshly painted crosswalk at 17th & Olive

The bold & highly visible “continental” crosswalk at 17th & Olive is such a beautiful sight to my eyes.  Wish all crosswalks were marked in this way.

– Steve Patterson


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  1. Anonymous says:

    Agree.  Any guess why it’s here and why there’s a similar one on Pine?  I’m guessing it’s the result of either an accident and/or because of a concentration of a special needs population in the apartment complex.  Bottom line, it’s just that – cash in the budget.  (More) paint costs (more) money, and it’s a lower priority than other items and services that St. Louis citizens are demanding . . . .

  2. JZ71 says:

    Agree.  Any guess why it’s here and why there’s a similar one on Pine?  I’m guessing it’s the result of either an accident and/or because of a concentration of a special needs population in the apartment complex.  Bottom line, it’s just that – cash in the budget.  (More) paint costs (more) money, and it’s a lower priority than other items and services that St. Louis citizens are demanding . . . .

  3. Olive was just restriped. This crosswalk and the one at 15th were refreshed, both were existing but faded.

  4. samizdat says:

    Man, that is the sloppiest paint-job…and only one coat…without the proper paint. What, were these guys drunk or high when they did this? No respect for quality work. Sad. I swear, all of the Dept. heads must be incompetent and lazy. I wouldn’t tolerate this level of workmanship.
    Oh, to be sure, they painted a crosswalk *launches fireworks, as John Philip Souza plays in background*, but unfortunately that attitude of “just enough” seems to have been applied thicker than the paint.

  5. samizdat says:

    Man, that is the sloppiest paint-job…and only one coat…without the proper paint. What, were these guys drunk or high when they did this? No respect for quality work. Sad. I swear, all of the Dept. heads must be incompetent and lazy. I wouldn’t tolerate this level of workmanship.
    Oh, to be sure, they painted a crosswalk *launches fireworks, as John Philip Souza plays in background*, but unfortunately that attitude of “just enough” seems to have been applied thicker than the paint.

  6. This crosswalk reminds me of the Beatles. It’s lively white color is so beautiful and I agree. It is freshly painted that’s why it also gives a new feeling.

  7. This crosswalk reminds me of the Beatles. It’s lively white color is so beautiful and I agree. It is freshly painted that’s why it also gives a new feeling.


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