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Missouri GOP Primary Today, Caucus Next Month

February 7, 2012 Featured, Politics/Policy 4 Comments

Missouri’s GOP primary is today so where are the millions of dollars in ads? the national media? the candidates? They know that no delegates will be awarded based on today’s vote:

Because of a mix of party decree and legislative inaction, taxpayers will foot the bill for a statewide election that will be officially meaningless for Republicans and virtually irrelevant for Democrats. 

Many Republicans were in favor of scrapping the election altogether, which comes with an estimated price tag of nearly $7 million. (STLtoday.com)

Party decree?

The National Republican Party had threatened to cut the state’s delegates in half if Missouri did not move its primary to March. Legislative attempts to move the primary to March failed, so Missouri Republican Party officials decided to elect convention delegates in March at caucuses. (Examiner.com)

Thus, nobody is expecting a big turnout:

Officials forecast a turnout of fewer than one in four voters. But this could have been our time to shine and show off the best presidential bellwether in the country. What other state in the Union best represents the United States — North, South, East or West? Answer: Nobody (Kansas City Star)

The Democratic ballot includes three challengers to president Barack Obama but the GOP ballot has 10 candidates (see list). I may go vote just for the fun of it; maybe for Cain, Huntsman, Bachmann, or Perry? Gingrich didn’t file the form and pay the $1,000 fee to be on the ballot.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. Anonymous says:

    Why not Ron Paul?  http://youtu.be/XKfuS6gfxPY

  2. JZ71 says:

    Why not Ron Paul?  http://youtu.be/XKfuS6gfxPY

  3. RyleyinSTL says:

    Ron Paul’s Libertarian ideals generally make him appear like a huge nutter in my books.  That said this Super Pac add – I’m assuming it mirrors he view point – is right on the money.  The concept it underlines, while obvious to the rest of the world, is hard for most Americans to understand due to the US military’s long standing (and domestically accepted) roll in propping up America’s global hegemony since the American/Spanish war.

  4. RyleyinSTL says:

    Ron Paul’s Libertarian ideals generally make him appear like a huge nutter in my books.  That said this Super Pac add – I’m assuming it mirrors he view point – is right on the money.  The concept it underlines, while obvious to the rest of the world, is hard for most Americans to understand due to the US military’s long standing (and domestically accepted) roll in propping up America’s global hegemony since the American/Spanish war.


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