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Readers: Seniors Need To Retake The Driving Exam — No Consensus At What Age, How Frequently

March 22, 2012 Sunday Poll 4 Comments

Less than 15% of readers indicated “no” in the poll last week regarding seniors having to retake their driving test. Answers regarding at what age and how often were all over the board:

Q: Should seniors have to retake the driving test?

  1. Yes, all drivers should have to retake the driving test, more frequently as they age: 22 [23.4%]
  2. Yes, every five years starting at age 65: 21 [22.34%]
  3. Yes, every two years starting at age 65: 8 [8.51%]
  4. Yes but at a higher age than 65, like 75+: 20 [21.28%]
  5. No: 13 [13.83%]
  6. Yes, every ten years starting at age 65: 3 [3.19%]
  7. Other: 6 [6.38%]
  8. Unsure/no opinion: 1 [1.06%]

I was glad to see the top answer was everyone should retake the driving test. I think I’m a good driver but it’s been 29 years since I took the driving test. I’m sure many of us have encountered drivers of all ages that we thought were poor drivers. Here were the “other” answers supplied by readers:

  1. Stop discriminating against the elderly. Old people need to drive too.
  2. Eye exams every 2 yrs starting at 65, driving every 2 yrs at 80 or earlier
  3. All drivers should be tested after insurance-involved accidents.
  4. All drivers, full comprehensive test every five years
  5. All drivers should retake the test every 5 years – regardless of age
  6. Yes. all drivers every renewal.

The 2nd half of the first other answer (“Old people need to drive too.”) is my point for this post. We’ve created places where most people must drive to function. Driving shouldn’t be the only alternative to function in society.

– Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. gmichaud says:

    Steve, your last sentence says it all. Driving should not be the only alternative. We have built a society on maximum profits for oil and related industries.  The gross inability of the leadership (leadership in their mind only) of the government and corporate elite is at the end of their court jester performances. The unwillingness to tackle tough problems is evident on our local level, and the national level there is pure diabolical conversation not intended to solve any problems. The wealthy seem to think by gathering all the wealth, they will be insulated against life itself, they are so wrong.
    Certainly seniors should have alternatives to getting around, but that would mean ending the massive subsidies for the automobile and sharing equally with other forms of transit.
    But since America is a democracy run by the elite and their handmaidens in government, no opposing voices are allowed. Thus the Main Stream Media, the Government and Corporate structures at all levels only allow their solutions.
    We in St. Louis, and in America, are being put into a rabbit hole, hoping we won’t come out.

    Seniors with no alternatives demonstrates the reality of a dysfunctional government. If we turn our focus on local government and then asking what to do about it becomes the question. The corruption of thought and action is universal at this point.
    To me the only solution is to form an alternative government, supported by the people at large. The current government is owned by big oil, big corporations and the rest. Please someone challenge me.

  2. Moe says:

    While there may or maynot be a big conspiracy to promote the auto……that is another topic at another time.

    Seniors do have plenty of alternatives to driving.  Now true, if they live alone and more than 1/2 a block from a bus route that is not an option, but then busses and even call a-ride cannot hit every street in the region.  Nor will there ever be a doctor/lawyer/dentist/grocery on every block that a senior on that block may want to use.
    However….visit any senior retirement complex…..they have busses where trips are scheduled to take them where ever they wish to go, from the show to the grocery to the doctors.  Some even have chaufers to take them on demand.  But then look at the parking lots full of cars…take out the ones belonging to staff and you will find many belonging to seniors.   It all goes back to the individual willing to give up their freedom and indepence for the greater good of society.  And there is also the psycological issue that giving such up is just another step closer to the grave.

  3. V says:

    Everyone should be required to retake a driving exam every few years.  I also think cars should require a new inspection after an accident.

  4. PaulS says:

    What part of the driving test do we leave out,the rule that requires two hands on the wheel at all times?

    Only go the speed limit if theres is an instructor beside you ,or a police car along side your car?


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