Readers Support HB1380 Preventing Homeowner’s Associations From Banning Political Signs
More than half of the few who took the poll last week thought it was a good idea to prevent homeowner’s associations from restricting political signs.
Q: HB1380 would prevent homeowner’s associations from banning political signs in the state. Thoughts?
- Good, these associations can be way too restrictive 37 [56.06%]
- Bad, buy elsewhere if you don’t like the rules 18 [27.27%]
- Neutral 8 [12.12%]
- Other: 3 [4.55%]
The three “other” answers provided by readers were:
- of all the things for politicos to take a stand against, campaign signs?
- Political signs should not have a time restriction.
- Doesn’t the state legislature have more important things to work on?
You can read the original post and comments here.
– Steve Patterson
Saint Louis seemed obsessed with political signs. Besides the eminent domain case, Ladue had an ordinance thrown out by the Supreme Court back in the day.