Readers: City Justified In Clearing Out The Homeless Camps
Readers who took the poll last clearly support the city’s efforts to clear out homeless camps:
Q: City justified in clearing out [the] homeless camps?
- Yes 108 [75%]
- No 23 [15.97%]
- Maybe 8 [5.56%]
- Unsure/No Opinion 4 [2.78%]
- Other: 1 [0.69%] – “justified, yes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it was the best solution.”
My post introducing the poll is here.
I agree with the city the camps are no way to live, I also know that some just don’t want to live in housing.
– Steve Patterson
wow — people with values voting. not sure what type of values, but they’re definitely values.
Put your money where your mouth is. How many bums have you allowed to live in your backyard? If the answer is none, don’t you dare criticize anyone else for not wanting any in their backyards, figurative or literal, either.
I’m not sure what Peter [above] is on about but I’m glad to see that the readership has the right idea. No doubt we can all agree that the homeless issue is tragic. However I don’t see how corralling the homeless into tent cities is the answer. The reasons for their homelessness range from laziness, substance abuse, mental illness, fiscal issues, criminal past or a million other things. A dense tent camp of these unstable individuals, without bathrooms or proper shelter, is a dangerous blight on the community and only serves to make some of us feel better thinking we have helped them out, when in fact, we have done nothing of the sort.
Homelessness is the result of these individuals inability to overcome other challenges/obstacles in their lives. Creating a “legal” tent city will not fix or help the homelessness problem.
yeah, but it was fine when it was in an industrial waste land along the north river front. let them go back there, not in the middle of a residential neighborhood.
This poll was about those north riverfront camps, Shabadoo. And the votes were steadfastly FOR its closure.