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Chippewa Sidewalk Still Not Passable Nearly Six Months Later

July 16, 2012 Accessibility, Featured, South City, Walkability 7 Comments

Since I sold my car in April I’ve made two shopping trips to Target on the #11 (Chippewa) MetroBus. In June I spotted sidewalk construction between the bus stop and Hampton, the driver let me off on the west side of Hampton so I wouldn’t be stuck.

In July it looked like the sidewalk was fixed, but it wasn’t.

ABOVE: July 3 2012 the sidewalk remained not passable to my power chair.
ABOVE: View looking east from Hampton after I “drove” through the Walgreen’s parking lot

This was due to a water main break:

The break happened on Tuesday morning in the Northhampton neighborhood. A thin layer of water is covering roadways near the intersection and there is a fear that the water will freeze causing a slick and potentially dangerous situation. (KMOV)

Freeze? Yes, the water main break happened on January 24, 2012! Did someone forget about the sidewalk?

— Steve Patterson



Currently there are "7 comments" on this Article:

  1. RyleyinSTL says:

    Interestingly the city has preformed a number of other water main break repairs in the 4 surrounding neighborhoods over the last number of months….all of which have been repaved. The road was dug up for this repair on Chip/Hampton as well. Perhaps a bit of sidewalk is deemed 6 months less important than the roadway (not that I’d agree with that)?

  2. Guedt says:

    It was rerpaired a 2 weeks ago. They had the whole turn lane shut down for a week while they were fixing it. 

  3. JZ71 says:

    It would be nice if the dead trees were replaced (in the tree grates), as well . . . .

  4. Kevin says:

    It is not fixed – I live just down the road and drive by it every morning, and it’s definitely still gravel… 


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