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Missing Planter Reveals Paver Sidewalk Discoloration

September 15, 2012 Downtown, Environment, Featured 4 Comments

Various planters exist along Washington Ave. A rectangular one is common since it doesn’t reduce the sidewalk width the way a round planter would.

ABOVE: Rectangular planter on Washington Ave.

But recently I noticed a number of spots around 13th Street where these planters used to exist.

ABOVE: Space where planter once existed

Amazing how much darker the brick pavers are now some 10 years later. I’ve not (yet) counted how many planters are missing. It’s possible these were moved to other locations.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. Dnstl says:

    From what I heard the property owners/businesses that had these planters were told to remove them by the city.

  2. JZ71 says:

    It’s called dirt. Power washing would help, but that’s probably not in the budget. (One reason the 16th Street Mall in Denver continues to look as good as it does, after 30 years, is that they have Business Improvement District, funded by a tax on adjacent businesses, that does continuous maintenance, including power washing their granite pavers on what seems like a weekly basis.)


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