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Seating For All

September 22, 2012 Accessibility, Downtown, Featured 4 Comments

For many years the establishment Flannery’s Pub at 1324 Washington Ave has had sidewalk seating. Unfortunately, those seats have been tall seats & tables.

ABOVE: High outdoor seating at Flannery’s

When I started this post it was going to be to thank them for adding regular height tables so the rest of us could eat alfresco.

ABOVE: Additional tables just added that are at regular height

But thursday night I passed by and these tables I photographed a few days earlier were gone already. What’s the big deal? With help I can get into a high stool but for many that’s not an option. Restaurants need to offer some regular height seating indoors and out.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. Debbie says:

    Thanks for opening my eyes to things I normally don’t consider. Hopefully they will bring back the regular height tables. Some of my shorter friends prefer those as well.

  2. Eric says:

    Please explain the exact issue. Do you want to roll your wheelchair up to the table?


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