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Readers Opposed To Viewing Aldermanic Seats As White or Black Seats

November 28, 2012 Board of Aldermen, Politics/Policy 2 Comments

Few readers felt vacant seats should be viewed as white or black seats in the poll last week:

Q: Should vacant seats on the Board of Aldermen be viewed as “white” or “black” seats?

  1. No 81 [81.82%]
  2. Yes 6 [6.06%]
  3. Tie
    • Unsure/no opinion 4 [4.04%]
    • Depends 4 [4.04%]
    • Other: 4 [4.04%]

The “other:” answers were:

  1. hell no
  2. If we want to remain locked in the bitter battles of the past, I suppose we will
  3. NEVER
  4. Absolutely NOT. Another example of how race should not be a factor in decision..

I personally agree we shouldn’t think a seat is automatically supposed to be for a certain race. First of all, our city is more than just white and black. That said, many realized voter suppression is alive in 2012.

Not only were black folks angered and shocked at Republicans’ blatant attempts at voter suppression in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, Texas and other states, they exacted revenge at the ballot box. (CNN)

But St. Louis votes Democratic, right? Technically yes, but substitute “old guard” for conservative above and the problem is one of gaining power or just enough to be appeased. On the other hand for the last five years I’ve been represented by numerous black persons: Board of Aldermen, President of the Board of Aldermen, Comptroller, State Rep, State Senate, US Rep. While some white folks certainly try to keep the balance of power I hope blacks can see we’re not all like that.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "2 comments" on this Article:

  1. Steve, do you read the St. Louis American?

  2. RyleyinSTL says:

    You’d think the residents of a city like STL, with widespread low average home prices and wadges, would have more in common than they would differences. Does a Black family living on the other side of the city, comparable to mine in income and size, actually feel that they require “same race” civic representation? I should think not. I most certainly don’t have an Anglo Saxon preference nor feel that such representation would do better at representing me in council chambers.


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