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Tucker Tunnel Now Completely Opened Up

December 6, 2012 Downtown, Featured, Planning & Design, Transportation 4 Comments

The work to fill in the old railroad tunnel under Tucker Blvd is dow to the end. All of the tunnel has now been opened up. Interestingly, the last few blocks of the tunnel were only half the width of the rest of the tunnel.

ABOVE: Looking south from Lucas Ave toward Washington Ave, the end of the old tunnel
ABOVE: Looking north from Lucas Ave, the Globe-Democrat building is on the right

The empty space is being filled by the dense foam blocks being placed in the last of the tunnel now. i can’t wait for this work to be completed so Washington Ave is connected to Cass Ave.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. Kuan Butts says:

    Was this why, for the past few years or so, there was construction north of Wash Ave and Tucker?

  2. tpekren says:

    Steve, I believe the last few blocks was a spur for freight/mail delivery and the ending point of the full width tunnel was where the passenger station was located.

  3. Sgt Stadanko says:

    is this what is causing the barricade at St Charles and Tucker? that’s been demolished, barricaded and now it sits… a big mess. I use St. Charles for access to Tucker and has been an inconvenience to say the least. It is very frustrating when the city starts something and then lets it sit. I am thinking this mess will take years to get back to normal.


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