Out of Town, Posts Will Resume Soon

January 9, 2013 Featured, Site Info, Steve Patterson Comments Off on Out of Town, Posts Will Resume Soon

Whenever I plan to be out of town I make sure I have posts until I return. However, as mentioned yesterday,  I had to go out of town for a family funeral this afternoon. The last time I drove a car, until yesterday, was April 14, 2012 when I sold my Corolla (see post).

I rented a car from the Budget office in the Sheraton on 14th Street. Interestingly I was able to come & go at the Sheraton in my power chair using the front revolving door.

ABOVE: Revolving front door at Sheraton on 14th Street
ABOVE: Revolving front door at Sheraton on 14th Street

Most are too small but this generous door allowed me to enter just like everyone else. I took the power chair there just to confirm details and do paperwork, I got a ride to pickup the car. My chair is too big and heavy for most vehicles, especially a compact.

Back in a few days, posts should resume by Sunday at the latest.

— Steve Patterson


Readers Support Raising The Seatbelt Violation Fee

January 8, 2013 Politics/Policy 1 Comment

Readers support raising the fee for violating Missouri’s seatbelt law.

Q: Support or Oppose Raising Seat Belt Violations From $10 to $50

  • Support 52 [53.61%]
  • Oppose 37 [38.14%]
  • Neutral 5 [5.15%]
  • Unsure/no opinion 3 [3.09%]

For more detail see the original post here.

I’m wearing a seatbelt now as I drive a rental car back to Oklahoma for a family funeral. Posts will resume upon my return.

— Steve Patterson


Validate Your MetroLink Ticket

Metro has announced a change of policy regarding MetroLink ticket validation, effective today:

Starting Monday, January 7, 2013, all MetroLink tickets and 2-hour passes will need to be validated by customers prior to boarding the trains. The ticket vending machines will no longer automatically print the expiration time on these tickets or passes. This will allow customers the flexibility to purchase Metro tickets in advance of their trip, and then validate ticket when they are ready to use them. It also will eliminate confusion over whether or not tickets need to be validated. The following fares must be validated starting January 7.

  • Ride Ticket
  • Hour Pass
  • Round-Trip Tickets (each ticket immediately prior to travel)
  • Tickets from 10-Ride Ticket Booklets

I personally welcome this change, it allows buying a ticket before you need it.

ABOVE: Advance tickets must be validated as shown (top),  tickets purchased at MetroLink machines will no longer have an expiration date, these can now be purchased in advance but they must be validated
ABOVE: Advance tickets must be validated as shown (top), tickets purchased at MetroLink machines will no longer have an expiration date, these can now be purchased in advance but they must be validated
ABOVE: Red validation machines exist at entrances to all MetroLink stations/platforms
ABOVE: Red validation machines exist at entrances to all MetroLink stations/platforms

The change is already in place.

— Steve Patterson


Poll: Should The “Express” Library In The Old Post Office Be Closed?

Nearly a decade ago the developers of the Old Post Office needed more tenants lined up so they could get their project financing, allowing them to raze the historic Century Building across the street for a parking garage. The St. Louis Public Library came through with a lease for an “express” library just four blocks east of the Central Library building and the Century came down.

ABOVE: Interior of the Central Express library in the Old Post Office
ABOVE: Interior of the Central Express library in the Old Post Office

The Express was nice to have while the Central was closed for renovations but a cheaper temporary location could’ve been found, such as the still-vacant ground floor of the Library administration building at 1415 Olive.

The Century is long gone and Central reopened last month. Is the Express still needed? When does the lease expire? Should it be renewed?

The poll question this week asks if the Express, located four blocks from Central, be closed or kept open.  The poll is in the right sidebar.

Also, the Central Library first opened 101 years ago today.

— Steve Patterson



The ADA, Design Professionals, and Soap Dispensers

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 has many standards for design professionals to use when designing everything from public streets to stadiums to public bathrooms. It doesn’t seem to require a soap dispenser usable only with one hand.

ABOVE: Soap dispenser best used with two hands
ABOVE: Soap dispenser best used with two hands

I see this type of dispenser way too often, if it’s really short I can use it one handed. Most of the time I have to wash my hand without soap. Someone continues to select this dispenser even though not everyone can use it. I can’t find an ADA requirement that a dispenser be able to be used with one hand.

The point? Regulation isn’t perfect. Designers must think, not just meet the minimum requirements.

— Steve Patterson






