Utility Work on Washington Ave
For a while now workers have been cutting a trench in Washington Ave to do utility work.

In the process it has been closed to eastbound traffic. Both directions of the #94 & #97 MetroBus routes have been rerouted to Locust St. Thankfully I haven’t needed to catch either of these for a while. I usually catch them at one of three stops between 14th-18th, I’ve not seen any temporary stops on the reroute. If I need the bus I’ll have to travel to a stop beyond the reroute, to the normal route or see online if Metro has posted temporary stop locations.
The noise has been loud during the day, I can only imagine how loud for those with windows facing Washington Ave. But new infrastructure doesn’t just pop into place — noise, dust, inconvenience, etc are part of the process.
Just looking forward to when the project is completed.
— Steve Patterson