Schnucks Semi Truck Heckled at Annie Malone Parade
The annual Annie Malone parade on Sunday was a nice family event, but one entry drew jeers not applause from spectators.

It was nice to see his passion, especially after all the businesses in the parade. After visiting the now-closed Schnucks store I understand the business decision. I do think Schnucks, through their development company DESCO, could’ve been working on building a new location for years. Closing the north Grand location because a new store opened nearby would’ve gotten Schnucks a different reaction from those at the parade.
— Steve Patterson
you know, it boggles my mind that these people think that having stores are an entitlement. businesses exist to make money for the owners, plain and simple. but then again, i doubt many of these people took economics 101 but isn’t it common sense i can imagine the loss that schnucks took over that store between the added security costs and the thievery. thanks, sarge
“These people.”
Definitely not PC, but the fundamental statement is correct – “businesses exist to make money for the owners”. They don’t exist because people say they want them, they exist because people support them financially – money talks! People may say they hate Walmart, yet Walmart remains busy and profitable. With other nearby, lower-cost competitors, in a lower-income area, it’s more difficult for a full-price, full-service operation like Schnuck’s to compete, successfully. And, no, I’m not going to blame “the added security costs and the thievery”, either – Aldi’s and Family Dollar face the same challenges – Schnuck’s simply was not able to make a profit at this location, so it closed. They don’t hate the neighborhood nor are they in the business of dissing poor folks, they just have higher costs than their competitors (allegedly better, fresher, more-expensive products and workers paid union wages), and their (former?) customers (“these people”) simply did not support their business model, financially. And it works both ways, “those people” in Ladue and Wildwood are more likely to support Straub’s, Whole Food’s, Trader Joe’s and Dierberg’s, while avoiding Aldi’s, Family Dollar, Dollar Tree and Dollar General. We all fall into demographic classifications, we’re not all interchangeable, financially, when it comes to defining retail buying patterns.
Mr Duckworth, i sense your tone in your reply and let me ask you this. are you a business owner?, and if yes, would you open a business in that location? I bet one of those responses will be a ‘no’. over and out, Sarge