Readers: Same-Sex Marriage To Be Recognized In All 50 States In The Year…; I’m Now Legally Married
Over the last 10+ years public opinion on same-sex marriage has shifted from majority opposed to majority support. It’s no longer if, but when. Last week’s unscientific poll looked at the timing:
Q: When do you think Same-Sex Marriage will be recognized in all 50 states?
- 2019-2024: 30 [26.55%]
- 2016: 18 [15.93%]
- 2025 or later: 17 [15.04%]
- Never: 17 [15.04%]
- 2017: 12 [10.62%]
- 2015: 10 [8.85%]
- 2018: 7 [6.19%]
- 2014: 2 [1.77%]
There’s no right or wrong here, we’re all just placing bets. However, the 15% who picked “never” will be in for a shock when the SCOTUS issues a ruling, making same-sex marriages legal in all 50 states.
The Supreme Court’s term runs from October to June. With the high likelihood that at least one circuit will decide against state limits by summer or fall, observers say, the Supreme Court should have ample time to hear a case for a decision by June 2015, though unexpected delays could push it to 2016 at the latest. (NY Times)
On June 12, 1967 the SCOTUS ruled on Loving v. Virginia, “ending all race-based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States.” The same will happen for same-sex marriage, though not unanimous as was Loving v. Virginia. My prediction is the SCOTUS will decide the issue in June 2016.
And on a personal note…
The morning I posted this poll, Sunday June 8, 2014, was my own same-sex marriage in East St. Louis, at the beautiful Malcolm W. Martin Memorial Park.

We couldn’t get married in Missouri, but we did borrow the St. Louis skyline as a backdrop. We plan to honeymoon in Denver later this year (fund).
Thanks to so many people, including Bryan Werner of the Metro East Park & Recreation District.
— Steve Patterson