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Recorder of Deeds Primary Endorsement: Edward McFowland

July 31, 2014 Featured, Politics/Policy 10 Comments
Recorder of Deeds candidate Edward McFowland on my balcony on Wednesday July 16, 2014
Recorder of Deeds candidate Edward McFowland on my balcony on Wednesday July 16, 2014

In next week’s primary I’m endorsing Edward McFowland for Recorder of Deeds, for those voters taking a Democrat Party ballot. Many of you might not recognize the McFowland name, but Edward McFowland has been around politics much of his life. His mom, Daisy McFowland, served as 4th ward alderman 1973-79, 1983-90 (she died in office). In 1977-78, while Daisy McFowland was serving on the Board of Aldermen, 23rd ward committeewoman Sharon Carpenter was the secretary to Board President Paul J Simon.

Carpenter first stepped into the job in 1980, when she was appointed by then-Gov. Joe Teasdale following the death of then-Recorder of Deeds William Schulze. (The state law has been changed to allow the mayor to now fill any vacancy in the office.) Carpenter later won a special election to fill out the term, and has handily won re-election ever since. (St. Louis Public Radio)

Carpenter’s predecessor William C. Schulze died of a brain tumor in March 1980, he was only 33 years old! Like Carpenter, Schulze was appointed to the position by Gov Teasdale.  In 1977 Recorder Francis R. Slay, the mayor’s father, resigned so the office was vacant. The next year Schulze was elected to a full term, which Carpenter was appointed to finish.

Thirty-four years later, on Friday July 11, 2014 the Circuit Attorney Public Information Officer Lauren Trager released the following statement at noon:

Upon receiving Mr. McFowland’s first letter, we conducted an initial review of the applicable law. We determined that there was a legal basis for referring this matter to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, and we did so on June 27, 2014. As you know, the SLMPD is the primary investigative body for the City of St. Louis. We are awaiting the results of that investigation, and we expect them shortly. At that point in time, we are prepared to take action, should the investigation substantiate Mr. McFowland’s allegations. For more information, please contact the SLMPD.

Just over four hours later Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce said:

The Circuit Attorney’s Office has received a letter indicating that Ms. Sharon Quigley Carpenter intends to resign from office, effective Monday morning. The specific allegation of nepotism provides no legal basis for criminal prosecution. Ms. Carpenter admitted to violating a provision of the Missouri Constitution. The sole remedy for a violation of that provision is removal from office during the term when the specific conduct occurred. The investigation into the allegations remains open, until such time as her resignation becomes effective.

Edward McFowland’s diligence and research uncovered this wrong doing by a person in office for over three decades. He’d sent many emails about other things he found, how other information he sought through Sunshine Law requests hadn’t been provided.  Just before Carpenter resigned I emailed McFowland to ask to meet face to face.  I was impressed by his skills at seeking out problems, but also his positive ideas such as having a U.S. Passport office in city hall. The day before Carpenter resigned McFowland emailed the idea:

As Recorder, I will pursue designation of one or more Recorder of Deeds employees as U.S. Passport Acceptance Agents.

22 CFR 51.22 (Passport agents and passport acceptance agents) permits the Department of State to authorize “Any other person specifically designated by the Department” to serve as agents.

Libraries across Missouri, including the Kirkwood Public Library and three public libraries in Jefferson County, are Passport Offices. Why not the library of public records for the City of St. Louis?

You need a Birth Certificate copy to get a passport. The City Recorder’s Office is a copy center for State of Missouri Birth Certificates. Combining birth record services with Passport services is a great match.

The Downtown Post-Office Passport Office is open 9 am to 4 pm. The Recorder’s Office is open 8 am to 5 pm. More hours for passport customers, means more convenient.

I believe a City Hall Passport Office would be well received and we would make a little more money for the City with the additional Birth Certificate copy sales.

Let me also add that I think publishing Recorder services information in Spanish and Bosnian is long overdue.

For starters, the Recorder has a Birth and Death Records services brochure and Marriage License services brochure that should already have been translated into Spanish and Bosnian, published on the website, printed, and copies made available to various institutions and nonprofits serving the Spanish-speaking and Bosnian-speaking communities.

As Recorder, I will work with our immigrant communities and service providers to make the Recorder of Deeds Office customer-friendly to all residents.

We can add Passport services and make the Recorder’s Office immigrant-friendly within the Recorder’s current budget.

We met the following week, I came away very impressed.  We talked about his ideas, the problems he’s uncovered, and his background. McFowland, in his mid-50s, has considerable experience; he’s served our country in the U.S. Army and the Army Reserves. Like my oldest brother, a Navy vet, I think McFowland can take his experience gained from the military and apply it to any field. McFowland also has the education, holding a B.A. in Political Science with a minor in Public Administration from SIU Carbondale. See McFowland’s “action plan”.

What experience in recording did Carpenter have before being appointed?  If you’re taking a democratic party ballot on Tuesday please vote for Edward McFowland for Recorder of Deeds!

— Steve Patterson



Currently there are "10 comments" on this Article:

  1. kas63032@hotmail.com says:

    Today, I received a post card from the Carpenter campaign. Can someone explain how this hack upheld the US Constitution, while ignoring the wishes of MO voters? Where is one or more responsibilities placed on citizen in the US Constitution

    While I don’t know that much about Edward McFowland, Sharon Quigley Carpenter is a clueless and useless liberal with SF values.

    • gmichaud says:

      Hey Kas, just what values are you talking about? tolerance and liberty for all, what? Useless liberal, what a laugh, I find few people really understand socialism and communism, or capitalism for that matter.
      And using words like hack are hardly the start of a constructive conversation. She should probably just end her reign, I agree, and it is a flaw for someone to resign from office and then run for it again right away.
      We clearly have absurdly weak regulations regarding placement of relatives and friends or donors in well paying positions. They control the government and they control the payrolls, but it is a far larger problem than Ms. Carpenter. It is a decease that impacts the whole country.

    • Greg says:

      While I do believe same-sex marriage will be legalized nationwide in the next year or two — and I’m looking forward to being able to marry at that point — I thought Carpenter’s issuance of marriage licenses several weeks ago was a re-election ploy.

  2. gmichaud says:

    Actually a passport office would be a good idea, although you would probably need a federal employee around to facilitate it.
    Another possible addition is Apostille or a country to country notary. I ran into it when my daughter went to Finland for high school in her sophmore year. I had to supply a certified birth certicate for my daughter, which I got at city hall and then went to the Missouri state offices in the Old Post Office downtown. I thought I would have to go to Jeff City or mail it and wait the ensuing 2 weeks or more for a return post. It was by accident I discovered the Old Post Office had a state office capable of handling an Apostille document. I do think it would probably be easier to set up an apostille notary than a passport office. And I am sure there are other bureaucratic tasks than could be also included.
    In any case maybe Ed McFowland would be right for the job, I don’t know. I know my former Alderwoman Jennifer Florida has always been helpful and responsive in the community she represented in Tower Grove South and the 15th ward, at least from what I have seen.
    As far as Ms. Carpenter, the whole City of St. Louis government is a governance system of relatives and friends, Ms. Carpenter was called out on in because she did not read the fine print, or choose to ignore it thinking she was above it all..

    • Jennifer Florida isn’t on the August 5th democratic ballot; it’s McFowland, Mathews, and Carpenter.

      • gmichaud says:

        I’m sorry I didn’t make it clear I understand Ms. Florida is running as an independent. I was just trying to say for the race as a whole I am guessing there are a few people qualified for various reasons, not just Mr. McFowland. After all we are ultimately talking about who to elect to the position and why.

        • The August 5th primary is for political parties to select their nominee for the general election. In November the democratic nominee will face republican Erik Shelquist and any independent candidate(s).

          • gmichaud says:

            Again, I’m sorry I didn’t acknowledge that I fully understand the process, I was just looking at the various qualifications for the job, which seem to be slightly greater than dog catcher. Whether your candidate gets through to the general election, I have no idea.

          • Greg says:

            Jennifer Florida has already qualified as an Independent in the general election.

  3. gmichaud says:

    I want to clarify, Ms. Carpenter should not be running again. Either hiring her relative was wrong or it was not. Of course we have to remember they write the laws for themselves so it should come as no surprise she can run again.
    St Louis is not a guild system.
    This defines is the corruption of the whole system, trust me this is just the tip of the iceberg.


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