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Olive Sidewalk East Of 13th Street Improved

September 26, 2014 Accessibility, Downtown, Featured, Walkability No Comments

Back on May 6th I got fed up with the sidewalk condition along Olive at 13th, so I emailed Bill Burkhardt, the city employee in charge of asphalt, and copied his boss, Director of Streets Todd Waelterman.

One of the photos I sent showed bucked sidewalk sections, the raised edges were hard to pass over in my wheelchair and a trip hazard for others.
One of the photos I sent showed bucked sidewalk sections, the raised edges were hard to pass over in my wheelchair and a trip hazard for others.
In the same block, to the east, two concrete utility covers were very rough
Another, in the same block, to the east, two concrete utility covers were very rough
Less than a week later a little asphalt was now placed at various points to make the sidewalk less hazardous, but the rough utility covers remained for months.
Less than a week later a little asphalt was now placed at various points to make the sidewalk less hazardous, but the rough utility covers remained for months.
But on August 27th I noticed one had been removed, the spot prepped for new concrete
But on August 27th I noticed one had been removed, now facing west
The following day it was prepped for new concrete
The following day it was prepped for new concrete
On September 6th the other was removed
On September 6th the other was removed
On September 15th the 2nd had been poured but workers remained.
On September 15th the 2nd had been poured but workers remained.
September 17th all workers are gone, both rough utility lids replaced,
September 17th all workers are gone, both rough utility lids replaced,

Turns out the underground utility vaults belong to Ameren, the worker I spoke to said the lids shouldn’t have been allowed to get that bad. Eventually the sidewalk needs to be replaced, but the asphalt makes it tolerable in the meantime. Very glad the city contacted Ameren about their lids.

— Steve Patterson


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