Poll: The US ‘War On Drugs’ Is…

Over four decades ago the United States declared a “war on drugs:”
In June 1971, President Nixon declared a “war on drugs.” He dramatically increased the size and presence of federal drug control agencies, and pushed through measures such as mandatory sentencing and no-knock warrants. Nixon temporarily placed marijuana in Schedule One, the most restrictive category of drugs, pending review by a commission he appointed led by Republican Pennsylvania Governor Raymond Shafer. In 1972, the commission unanimously recommended decriminalizing the possession and distribution of marijuana for personal use. Nixon ignored the report and rejected its recommendations. (Drug Policy Alliance)
Every administration up to the present has continued this war on drugs, with variations in policy, emphasis, and implementation. The poll question this week asks, “Currently, the US ‘War on Drugs’ is…” A range of answers are provided, presented in random order. The poll is in the right sidebar.
— Steve Patterson