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Endorsements In Four Contested Primary Races

February 24, 2015 Board of Aldermen, Featured, Politics/Policy 44 Comments
Vintage photo of the former offices of the St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners. From my collection
Vintage photo of the former offices of the St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners. From my collection.

Today I have endorsements in four contested races in the Democratic primary a week from today — March 3rd:

These four are the most progressive candidates in their respective races. One is running for an open seat, two are challenging incumbents, and one is an incumbent.

— Steve Patterson


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  1. guest says:

    No thoughts on the 26th Ward, the 4th Ward, the 28th Ward, the 12th Ward, the 15th Ward, or the 2nd Ward?

      • Bull Moose says:

        Of course not. Only a Steve’s narrow agenda applies — not the city as a whole.

        • Incorrect, it shows that I’m not familiar with the candidates in all contested wards or that I didn’t find a candidate I’m willing to endorse.

          • guest says:

            Well, that makes you like most people around here: there’s a lot about St. Louis that you don’t know!

          • Very true, I’ve never claimed to know it all. Twenty-eight wards is just too many to stay on top of.

          • guest says:

            Disagree on that point. Compared to STL county, city representation is nothing. 1 alderman for every 11,000 people isn’t that many to follow.

          • So you’re an expert on my abilities? I can assure you that I give 100% to this blog — I don’t have the mental or physical capacity to do any more.

          • tbatts666 says:

            I guess I’m obligated to say this.

            STL urban review is awesome!! It must be an immense work to keep this blog up. Keep up the writing, we all really appreciate it.

            STL is a big place. I usually go to NextSTL to figure out what is going on (It would be nice if they did a story on the primaries), but UrbanReviewSTL ranks up their in places I go to for information. Of course it comes with Steve Patterson’s opinion, but that is why it’s a blog and not a newspaper.

  2. tbatts666 says:

    How did you make your decision on the 7th ward?

    • I omitted the insider candidate who was selected by the outgoing Ald Young to be her successor. I was in my high school when she was was first sworn into office in 1985 — we need change — not more of the same.

      • chris says:

        Fully agree with you this Steve and being a 7th ward voter I do not care how he has been running his camp, only thing he has yet to show is him holding a baby and kissing it. We need a change in the 7th ward and one that will benefit the entire ward not just a replacement for the retired alderperson that hasn’t been seen in my area of Soulard for over 8 years. Youngs insider is fully banking on soulard to get him elected (neighborhood assoc.) Merta has our support and backing. Cummings is always running for any public office so he is out.

        • BTW, there’s a 7th Ward candidate forum tonight at the public library, 6:30om-8pm. See the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/344210099115971

          • tbatts666 says:

            I won’t make it. I am actually considering voting for Samuel Collins because he released that economic development thing.

            As opposed to Chelsea Merta whom I know nothing about.

            Samuel Collins seems to being Twitter bullied by one of the democratic committeewoman.

            Chelsea Merta has a picture of s bicycle on her website. That is all I know about her.

  3. matty_fred says:

    tombauer24.com is worth perusing. Lays-out progressive urbanist policy much more thoroughly than does Ogilvie’s website.

    • dick says:

      Thats great and all, but ogillvie actually does work. You can email or tweet him about any issue in any part of the City and he will respond quickly and help if its within his power. He is the most responsive member of the B of A (maybe tied with shane cohn). These guys grind and get real issues fixed. I don’t live in either ward, but they have helped me with streets and modot multiple times in other wards. When I had Phyllis she didnt do anything, not even respond to email. Now I’m with Schmid, he doesnt do squat. But Ogilvie and Cohn try to help the same day, often the same hour, even not in their wards.

    • STLgasm says:

      Your’e kidding, right? We know you have personal beef against Scott Ogilvie, but let’s get real. Scott’s progressive urbanist policy is laid out in the amazing work he’s done during his term as alderman, not merely posted on a campaign website. The proof’s in the pudding, and Scott has proven himself to his citizens and politicians alike. The 24th ward would be taking a hundred steps back to vote Bauer in place of Scott. I think deep down, you know that is true.

      • matty_fred says:

        Yikes. No need to get personal. Just a simple observation in comparing the two websites. Take a chill pill, dude.

        • STLgasm says:

          …says the guy who loves to get personal on Twitter and Facebook. I’m surprised you didn’t claim that my endorsement of Scott is just a ploy to sell more t-shirts. Anyway, getting back to the topic, I also support Cara Spencer for the 20th ward and Megan Ellyia-Green for the 15th ward.

          • matty_fred says:

            I’m a fan of both Cara and Megan. Was really happy to see Megan win in that special election this previous year.

          • STLgasm says:

            Glad we agree on some things. Just curious- in what ways do you think Tom Bauer would be a better or more effective alderman for the 24th ward than Scott Ogilvie?

          • matty_fred says:

            I don’t live in the 24th Ward, so I can’t answer that question authoritatively.

          • STLgasm says:

            So then why are you so interested in this particular race? It’s pretty clear that you’re pay close attention to his campaign.

          • matty_fred says:

            I try to pay attention to most City races.

          • STLgasm says:

            Yes, you do. I don’t know what ward you live in, but I know it can’t be more than one. Yet, you have said you’re a fan of Cara in the 20th and Megan 15th. At least one of those wards is not yours, yet you’ve expressed support for a candidate in each of those wards. I presume you have reasons for supporting those candidates over their opponents, and I’m just wondering why you don’t feel you can answer authoritatively in regards to the 24th ward race.

          • matty_fred says:

            Cara is an acquaintance whom I like personally. I’ve had maybe two interactions with Megan socially, plus I admire Megan’s courage in facing controversial issues head-on. Those are the reasons why I am a fan of both Cara and Megan.

            Are you finished grilling me personally? I thought that this comment section was about aldermanic races.

          • STLgasm says:

            Yep, just interested in your take as an informed citizen. Cara and Megan are both big fans of Scott Ogilvie as well.

          • matty_fred says:


          • Politicker says:

            Matt, have you received any money from Bauer to either promote his campaign and/or discredit Scott Ogilvie? Is this too personal of a question?

          • matty_fred says:

            It’s not too personal of a question. I have been paid for a little research work, yes.

          • Politicker says:

            So it is a little disingenuous to say you simply “pay attention to most city races.”

          • matty_fred says:

            No, I don’t think so. It’s simple, yes.

  4. JZ71 says:

    More detail, other than “most progressive” would be useful – both Hitler and Mussolini were viewed as “progressives” as they first rose to power . . . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressivism

  5. guest says:

    My vote today will not affect the outcome of any race, so I’m not going. If there were aldermen serving at large posts, I’d be voting. In the only city wide race, Reed’s victory is assured, so no point voting in that contest either. I’ll take this election off.

    • I voted absentee last week even though only one race was on my ballot and we know the outcome — I voted so I could say I voted in every election.

      This is one reason why we need to eliminate this partisan primary and just have the April general election.


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