Parking Garage Repairs Halted, Emergency Structural Condemnation Issued
In December I told you about a downtown parking garage closed since July 2014, see: Parking Garage Undergoing Time-Consuming Multi-Million Dollar Restoration; Businesses Closed, Jobs Lost. Since December the big crew of workers dwindled to a just a couple and then last week nobody — the work stopped and the gate was locked.

My assumption is the repairs were becoming a blank check project the owners finally halted. Now what? I’m concerned the out of state owner will just walk away. Ideally I’d like to see a new building constructed on this corner, if the St. Louis Streetcar project gets funded a new building would be feasible. I’m sure some would like to see this garage repaired or replaced with a new garage. I suppose that would be marginally acceptable.
What wouldn’t be acceptable, however, is a surface parking lot, this intersection needs the massing.
— Steve Patterson
Condemnation does not equal immediate demolition – if so, the city would have far fewer structures. This is just the first step in a legal process that includes everything from potential demolition to full renovation. However, if your goal is keeping the corner’s massing, you better hope that someone finds the money to complete the current repairs, since if it comes down, replacement with something similar in massing is highly unlikely.
Correct, condemnation isn’t a death aentence — I bought and renovated a previously condemned building. It appears this owner isn’t willing to continue with needed repairs. Will a buyer come along willing to do so? Perhaps, perhaps not.
Wasn’t there a form based code for downtown? I wonder if that would encompass this site. I wouldn’t mind seeing demolition and a surface lot if a future build-out ends up being more urban.
I’ve not seen any new code — I know I’ve not seen any events to participate.
The problem with a surface lot is after money is spent building it people start using it, the owner gets used to the revenue and 25+ years later it remains unchanged.