Sunday Poll: 12+ months prior to the convention, who do you THINK will be the five (5) final candidates for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination?

The 2016 election cycle is heating up, on the GOP side many have declared their candidacy and others are still considering running. It’s too early to know who the GOP will nominate at their July 2016 convention in Cleveland — that’s the point — to later be able to compare 2015 perceptions with 2016 reality.
For today’s poll I combined declared & potential candidates from these two sites:
There was a lot of overlap, but each had some not listed on the other. Here is the combined list of 47, listed alphabetical:
- Skip Andrews
- Kelly Ayotte
- Haley Barbour
- John Bolton
- Kerry Bowers
- Jeb Bush
- Herman Cain
- Dr. Ben Carson
- Dale Christensen
- Chris Christie
- Ted Cruz
- Mitch Daniels
- John Dummett, Jr.
- Bob Ehrlich
- Mark Everson
- Carly Fiorina
- Newt Gingrich
- Lindsey Graham
- Nikki Haley
- Chris Hill
- Mike Huckabee
- Bobby Jindal
- John Kasich
- Peter King
- Michael Kinlaw
- Dennis Michael Lynch
- Susana Martinez
- Sarah Palin
- George Pataki
- Rand Paul
- Ron Paul
- Tim Pawlenty
- Mike Pence
- Rick Perry
- Michael Petyo
- Condoleezza Rice
- Mitt Romney
- Marco Rubio
- Brian Russell
- Mitch Sandoval
- Rick Santorum
- Tim Scott
- Rick Snyder
- John Thune
- Donald Trump
- Scott Walker
- Allen West
I usually randomize the answers in the poll (right sidebar), but because of the sheer number of names they’re displayed in alphabetical order. The poll question isn’t who you want to see make it to the final 5, but rather who you think will be the 5 who survive the next 9-12 months.
Please be sure to pick 5 answers, the poll closes at 8pm tonight. UPDATE: Because of a software problem this morning I’m going to leave this open until 10pm.
— Steve Patterson
Why is the poll “closed” at 8:50 am?
A problem with the poll software.
Don’t care, they’re all so god-awful none of them have a chance. Well, Rick Snyder might have a chance, but he won’t run.