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Sunday Poll: Favorite Public Fountain in St. Louis?

May 10, 2015 Featured, Sunday Poll No Comments
Please vote in the poll, located in the right sidebar
Please vote in the poll, located in the right sidebar

Unlike Kansas City, St. Louis isn’t known for fountains. Still we have a nice collection of them and other water features (waterfalls, wading pools, etc). Today’s poll is about celebrating these!

The exact poll question today is: “What are your two (2) favorite public fountain/water features in the City of St. Louis? Pick two — one can be added

Let me clarify a few things:

  • Public fountain means you don’t need to pass through an entrance gate or pay an admission. For example, this excludes fountains in the Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis Zoo, etc.
  • By fountain/water feature I mean something manmade — the Mississippi River doesn’t count.
  • 15 answers are provided, but you can add one additional that’s not listed when you vote.
  • Please vote for TWO in the right sidebar.

Tomorrow I’ll present the results, focusing on the top 1-3 fountains. The poll closes at 8pm tonight.

— Steve Patterson




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