Readers Overwhelmingly Support Public Vote On Funding A New NFL Stadium

After controversial funding of our current MLB stadium (Busch III) an ordinance was passed to give voters a say at the ballot box. At the time few probably thought about funding for the next NFL stadium — the Rams weren’t quite 10 years into a 30-year lease. Now they’re at 20 years and, because the Edward Jones dome isn’t top-tier, they’re now annual tenants.
Proponents could make the argument that we’ve elected people to represent us, let them do what we elected them to do. That’s the only argument I can think of to oppose a vote. In this case that isn’t even a very good argument. This involves huge sums of money over the coming decades — not something we should let others handle. If we’re going to fund & build another NFL stadium a decade before our current one is paid for then voters should be involved.
Results from the Sunday Poll:
Q: Should St. Louis tax payers get to vote on funding a new NFL stadium?
- Yes 35 [83.33%]
- No 6 [14.29%]
- Unsure/No Opinion 1 [2.38%]
- Maybe 0 [0%]
The leaders pushing for a new stadium deal don’t want a public vote because they know an affirmative vote would be a tough sell, it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.
— Steve Patterson
Proponents don’t want a BoA vote either, for it would issue a sure defeat for the stadium.
btw a winning vote in a state referendum, not a poll of sports fans, is what is necessary to keep state funding (barely) alive, and it won’t happen either, for the same reason.