Both Styles of New Parking Payment on Same Block
New parking meters are pretty much installed throughout greater downtown St. Louis. These include multi-space pay stations and updated single-space meters. I’ve yet to determine how it was decided which type would go on which blocks. In the 7 blocks I travel to reach the store both types are used.
Last week, looking at the Chestnut bike lane, I noticed in the 1000 block of Locust each side of the street is different from the other.
![1000 block of Chestnut: On the North side single space meters, other side multi-space pay stations (one circled in red)](
I might map out block by block to see if a logical pattern emerges…or I’ll enquire. It just seems like downtown visitors might be confused by two different physical ways to pay for on-street parking. I still prefer the app.
— Steve Patterson