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Fall Brings Out Halloween Decor

October 16, 2015 Events/Meetings, Featured 6 Comments

I love Fall, the humidity & temperature both drop, leaves begin to change colors. And Halloween decorations go up! We don’t get many trick or treaters in our building, but our neighbor’s young son enjoys our decorations.

In the hallway we have spiders, web, blinking lights, zombie signs, and a black cat that makes scary sounds when disturbed (as opposed to our actual cat inside that makes sounds when she's disturbed.
In the hallway we have spiders, web, blinking lights, zombie signs, and a black cat that makes scary sounds when disturbed (as opposed to our actual cat inside that makes sounds when she’s disturbed.
Inside we don't do much, just a few things on our balcony door.
Inside we don’t do much, just a few things on our balcony door.

Do you decorate for Halloween? Or do you do like I used to — turn off the porch light and pretend you aren’t home?

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "6 comments" on this Article:

  1. Mark-AL says:

    Since our family relocated temporarily to Frankfurt, we’ve noticed a lot more interest in Halloween than we ever saw in the US. But only in the last 10 or so years has it become so popular in Europe. Today, Germans of all ages tend to decorate fairly extravagantly and fully engage in trick-or-treat activities. I hope to be home for Halloween night to enjoy the evening with my family. My wife and kids recently drove from Frankfurt to Bavaria (+/- 4 hours), and they stopped at a self-service pumpkin (kurbis) stand in Bavaria and paid the equivalent of US $16.00 for a lousy pumpkin! A common Halloween house decoration in Frankfurt (at least in our neighborhood which is mostly Jewish and Asian) is home-made black/orange loop chains made from construction paper, hung in scallop pattern over exterior doors and windows.

  2. guest says:

    we have the best block in st. louis for halloween. easily 500 people and 250 kids during trick or treat. every kid old enough tells a joke. lots of money spent on decor and candy. nice way to kick off the holiday season

  3. JZ71 says:

    Steve – did you have to have your HOA approve your decorations? 😉


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