Sunday Poll: Likelihood of Landfill Fire Reaching Nearby Nuclear Waste?

The two landfills in Bridgeton were the subject of a poll here over two years ago, but readers were apathetic about the issue. Lately, it has received national attention:
Underground landfill fires, or “smoldering events” as some officials call them, aren’t rare. What makes the fire at the landfill in Bridgeton, Mo., so unusual is that it’s less than a quarter of a mile from a large deposit of nuclear waste — with no barrier in its way. (Los Angeles Times)
So this seemed like a perfect time to revisit the issue, with a new poll question:
Of course, none of has no definitive way to know — this is a non-scientific way to judge how readers view the likelihood this may become a potentially dangerous regional issue.
Please vote above, share your thoughts below. Poll options are presented in random order, the poll closes at 8pm.
— Steve Patterson