Before taking a look at the new I thought we should first look at the old.
Looking East toward the Arch from the top of the steps at 4th Street, July 2014Looking West toward the Old Courthouse, October 2014Looking North on Memorial Dr from Olive. Luther Ely Smith Square is on the left, July 2010From the Arch grounds, June 2011
Unfortunately. these images don’t give you a good overview. For that we need to look down from somewhere high up — like the Arch.
From the Arch we see Memorial Drive on either side of the depressed interstate lanes and Luther Ely Smith Square, December 2012Tighter crop focusing on the Square — was pretty boring.Construction on the “lid” over the highway, July 2014
Okay, let’s take a look at the new Luther Ely Smith Square (LESS):
The current view looking East from the Old CourthouseFrom the base of the new flagpoleWalkways on either side of a low bern lead you tossed the Arch. The previous flight of steps in the center meant many didn’t go through the Square.Mostly the new walkways are a smooth exposed aggregate concrete, but brick was used in some locations.Modern bike racks, that will support the bike frame, are along the South & North outer walkways.Looking East along the wide sidewalk next to Olive. This will be a drop off point for Arch visitorsEach side has a small oval-shaped space accessed from the outer walks or steps from the centerFrom inside the South ovalContinuing East on the outer sidewalk we see the motorized bollards that can be lowered as needed. These will likely be a maintenance issue.Everything is directing you toward the new Arch entry, now under constructionLooking North over what was the opening down to the highway. A small platform has been built to allow you to see the construction activity.The accessible platform allows to peak over the concrete barrierThe North side just inside the bollards seen to be the new spot where everyone is posing for picsWhat I really like are the views back to the Old CourthouseCloser, from the North center walkwayLooking toward 4th & Chestnut
This Square is an important part of the new plan to have visitors enter the Arch grounds from downtown. It’s well-designed and draws you toward the Arch. The lid over the highway can become the lid over a boulevard in the future.
This was how has decided to promote the new Arch grounds expansion and park in the DC Metro system. Notice the wonderful view of Illinois through the arch legs. The foreground and rendering of this redesigned park is covered by the ad. Someone needs to revisit this marketing campaign.
AARP Livibility Index
The Livability Index scores neighborhoods and communities across the U.S. for the services and amenities that impact your life the most
Built St. Louis
historic architecture of St. Louis, Missouri – mourning the losses, celebrating the survivors.
Geo St. Louis
a guide to geospatial data about the City of St. Louis
This was how has decided to promote the new Arch grounds expansion and park in the DC Metro system. Notice the wonderful view of Illinois through the arch legs. The foreground and rendering of this redesigned park is covered by the ad. Someone needs to revisit this marketing campaign.
Good catch Steve !