Sunday Poll: Likelihood of a Cyber Attack on the U.S. Power Grid?

Former ABC News anchor has a new book out warning readers about the threat of a cyber attack on our power grid:
We are accustomed to cyber-attacks that result in grand larceny. We are accustomed to cyber-attacks that amount to huge vacuuming of intelligence information.
What we have never had is a cyber-attack that amounts to a weapon of mass destruction. And my point is that, if someone succeeds in taking down one of our power grids — and the Russians and the Chinese can do it and maybe the Iranians and the North Koreans — it would be devastating. (Ted Koppel via PBS News Hour)
This seemed like a good topic for a poll.
The poll will close at 8pm tonight, I’ll discuss my thoughts and the results on Wednesday.
— Steve Patterson
How I vote depends on how you define “attack” – attempted or successful? Attempted is a given, success is up for debate . . .
There have likely been attempt already, so successful.
………then I’d like to change my vote….just for the record.!
By definition, an attack is an aggressive act against a person or place…..and the result produced by the attack does not define the act.
I just added [successful] into the poll question.