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Readers Not Interested In Possible Attack On Electrical Grid

March 2, 2016 Crime 3 Comments

The most recent Sunday Poll received less votes than usual, which I expected given the broad abstract nature of the question. These polls are non-scientific anyway, so basically for discussion and entertainment value.

Q: Likelihood of a [sucessful] cyber attack on the U.S. power grid?

  • Very unlikely 2 [9.09%]
  • Unlikely 1 [4.55%]
  • Somewhat unlikely 7 [31.82%]
  • Equally unlikely & likely 3 [13.64%]
  • Somewhat likely 2 [9.09%]
  • Likely 5 [22.73%]
  • Very likely 2 [9.09%]
  • Unsure/No Answer 0 [0%]

The three unlikely categories added up to 45.46%, the likely 40.91%, with the balance in the middle.

Here’s Ted Koppel on the subject:

He says it’s not if — but when. He wants us to prepare for the consequences. For a lighter take see Koppel on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.

— Steve Patterson


Currently there are "3 comments" on this Article:

  1. JZ71 says:

    You’re right, this is one of those abstract issues that most of us feel like we have absolutely no control over, much like the New Madrid fault letting loose, again, Y2K (remember that one?) or global warming. I worry way more about stuff that I can change than stuff that I can’t . . . and, no, I’m not going to buy into the doomsday prepper mentality – my sister and brother-in-law are still trying to eat some of the non-perishable stuff they stockpiled for Y2K!

  2. RyleyinSTL says:

    Given that electric service is not a public utility in Missouri I’m not sure what any of us can do about improving electrical grid security. That’s up to the operators.


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