St. Louis Board of Aldermen: Two Month Break After Tomorrow
The St. Louis Board of Aldermen usually meet at 10am on Fridays, but last week they met on Thursday June 30 — off the Friday before the July 4th holiday.

Though no new bills were introduced, the meeting was nearly three hours long. See the agenda here.
They will meet tomorrow morning, but will then have a 2-month summer break. They’ll resume regular meetings on Friday September 9, 2016. It should be noted the chambers where their meetings are held are not air conditioned,
The Engrossment Rules, Resolutions and Credentials committee, chaired by Marlene Davis, met last week — they killed a bill to keep lobbyists out of their chambers:
Do not fear, lobbyists — your place on the floor of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen is safe for the foreseeable future.
The city’s rules committee on Wednesday voted down a piece of legislation sponsored by Alderman Megan-Ellyia Green, D-15th Ward, that would have banished lobbyists to the hall, the galleries, or the side rooms at City Hall. Just one committee member, Alderman Christine Ingrassia, D-6th Ward, voted yes. (St. Louis Public Radio)
The committee members are:
- Marlene E Davis, Chair
- Christine Ingrassia — the one who voted yes
- Terry Kennedy
- Joseph D Roddy
- Joseph Vaccaro
- Joseph Vollmer
They’ve got a cozy arrangement — they don’t want to change it. They like having the people they work for right there on the floor of the chambers.
— Steve Patterson
Well deserved, I am sure I wouldn’t want them to exert themselves. Get a real job you scumbags! Thanks, Sarge