Readers: IKEA St. Louis A Net Positive

We shouldn’t assume that IKEA is automatically a positive or negative without first having all the facts in hand to make such a claim, otherwise we’re just going with our gut, which can be biased.
In the recent n0n-scientific Sunday Poll more than 83% felt IKEA was a net positive, while just under 12% say it has been s net negative.
Q: Despite millions in TIF funding, has IKEA St. Louis been a net positive or a net negative?
- Very positive 19 [45.24%]
- Positive 10 [23.81%]
- Somewhat positive 6 [14.29%]
- Neither positive or negative 0 [0%]
- Somewhat negative 1 [2.38%]
- Negative 3 [7.14%]
- Very negative 1 [2.38%]
- Unsure/No Answer 2 [4.76%]
I’d love to see someone perform a full analysis of all taxes, employment, etc. For me personally, IKEA was a draw to get me to drive to Chicago. Many will come to St. Louis from miles away to shop at IKEA, stay at the soon-t0-be-built hotel and such — injecting outside money into our economy.
The error at the start of the poll on Sunday was my fault — the poll was closed because I had originally planned this poll for a week earlier. When I moved it back a week, I neglected to change the auto close date & time. Combined with the fact I was enjoying an extended 5-day/4-night weekend in Chicago, I didn’t check on the poll right away like I usually do on Sunday mornings. Please accept my apologies for any frustration you may have experienced.
— Steve Patterson
Even today, on my 3 computers running Chrome, the original post has the poll showing closed with zero votes. I wonder if it’s a problem with the browser or the mobile versus desktop version of your blog?
I know of no setting I can change, your browser has chached the page. It’s good practice to have more than one browser available.
I just checked my computer at work – both Chrome and Edge are showing zeros . . . and it was turned off for the weekend and restarted yesterday . . . so, just for grins, I did a cold install of Opera and got the same result! I guess you can continue to “blame” the end user, but most internet providers would rather figure out the problems on their end . . .
That said, a) I hope you had a great weekend in Chicago, and b) this wasn’t a very important poll, so I don’t regret not having an opportunity to vote. My frustration is with various platforms working differently, for no reason other than it’s “different”, and I know it’s nothing that either one of us can fix, because some computer geek wants “their” system to be “unique”!
I gladly take the blame when I’m at fault, like the poll being closed initially. There might be something I could do — I just don’t know what that would be. A total of 42 votes were collected, more than usual. I can’t afford to pay an expert by the hour because of a few people not being able to see the numbers on a post.
The problem obviously has something to do with the user’s computer operating system. My personal on-the-road system is Chrome, (chromebook), and the poll showed “closed” on that computer. My business computer is a Mac, and I had no problems with that. I called my youngest son and asked him to check using his Mac, and he too had no problems. With similar issues, it’s been my experience that this glitch may eventually work itself out–don’t know why, but sometimes it just does.
I was guessing it might be Mac versus Microsoft or mobile versus desktop . . . but I’m certainly no expert!
Just had my husband pull up the post on his laptop running Windows 10, he had the same issue as you in Chrime & Firefox. I reviewed the blog & poll settings, I see nothing I can do to change it. If there was something I could’ve done I would have done so Sunday.
And that was my point – technology is great when it works (most of the time), but maddening when it doesn’t (for no apparent or good reason)! Thanks for trying!