St. Louis Board of Aldermen: New Board Bills 11/4/2016 (174-184)

The following eleven (11) Board Bills will be introduced at today’s meeting of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen, review today’s agenda here. Note: this post was updated at 8:20am with links to each Board Bill.
- B.B.#174 – Roddy – An ordinance determining that the Tax Increment Financing Plans listed in Exhibit “A” are making satisfactory progress under the proposed time schedule for completion of projects therein.
- B.B.#175 – Roddy – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 4398 Chouteau.
- B.B.#176 – Roddy – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 916-26 Talmage and 4307 Chouteau.
- B.B.#177 – Coatar – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 501-09 Olive and 303 N. Broadway.
- B.B.#178 – Spencer – An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 2920 Cherokee.
- B.B.#179 – Davis – An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any 3 a.m. closing permits for any currently non-3 a.m. licensed premises within the boundaries of the Nineteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the renewal of or transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and containing an emergency clause.
- B.B.#180 – Ogilvie – An ordinance approving a blighting study and redevelopment plan dated September 27, 2016 for the 6654-56 Mitchell; and containing a severability clause.
- B.B.#181 – Kennedy – An ordinance repealing Ordinance 69396 and 69006 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Eighteenth Ward Liquor Control District; and containing an emergency clause
- B.B.#182 – Roddy – An ordinance dissolving the Special Allocation Funds for theGgrand and Shenandoah Redevelopment area and terminating the designation of a certain portion of the City, relating to that redevelopment area and authorizing certain actions relating thereto, and containing severability and emergency clauses.
- B.B.#183 – Roddy – An ordinance dissolving Special Allocation Funds for the Lasalle Building Redevelopment area and 500 N. Kingshighway Redevelopment area, and terminating the designation of certain respective portions of the City, relating to each as a redevelopment area and authorizing certain actions relating thereto and containing severability and emergency clauses.
- B.B.#184 – Roddy – An ordinance terminating a Modesa Development plan, downtown St. Louis Core Development and Streetscape Enhancements Development Area, as approved by ordinance No. 67320 and the development project and the designation of the development area described therein; dissolving the Special Allocation Fund; and containing a severability and emergency clause.
The meeting begins at 10am, it can be watched online here. I want to learn more about 182-184.
The Board of Aldermen usually meet on Friday mornings, but next week their meeting will be held on Thursday November 10th because city hall will be closed Friday the 11th for Veterans Day.
— Steve Patterson