Sunday Poll: Would You Reconfigure The Top Deck Of The Eads Bridge, How?

Last month I attended the celebration marking the completion of work on the Eads Bridge to give it another 75 years of life.
After posting a photo to Twitter & Facebook, a discussion began on Twitter about the configuration of the top deck — it’s currently four vehicle lanes with a pedestrian part on the Arch side (South).
Today’s non-scientific poll is an attempt to see if readers have a preference about reconfiguring the bridge, or keeping it as is. This poll required visuals:
For the purpose of this poll bicyclists were not given a separate bike lane, they could take a vehicle lane or use the pedestrian area — including bike lanes would’ve have added too many options. The poll below has the above configurations listed in the same order. An unsure was added at the bottom.
The poll will be open for 12 hours, closing at 8pm.
— Steve Patterson